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The next morning you awoke to the feeling of being watched. You sat up and looked around to see what you assumed to be the last skeleton from the trio that decided to drop in. Haha. No pun intended. He had a long purple coat and a scar over one eye. He had brown boots and a weird expression on his face, a mix between a derp and a smile.

"Hi?" You say although your words came out as more of a question.

The Sans seemed to snap back into reality, his grin growing wider as he did a casual wave. "Sup' Bruh."

You blinked. So there was another strange talker. You grin back. "Not much."

You stood up, and your head rushed. Briefly sitting back down you got up again, ignoring the headache, and stretched. You noticed that Horror had gone, but his jacket was still there. You picked it up and bundled it under one arm. You should take this upstairs to him because after all, this is his.

"Anyways, I need to return this jacket to its owner." You say to the skeleton. "What's your name?"

"Epic. Just call me Epic, bruh." Epic said shooting finger guns at you.

You nod and make your way upstairs for some reason mentally counting each step. Then once you got to the top of the steps you wrinkled up your nose. Walking up to Horror's door you opened it quickly scanning the room. He wasn't there so you set the jacket down on the bed.

You hadn't seen Classic for a bit and the last time you saw him was a few nights ago when you and others were playing video games. That got you concerned. Standing up you shut the door behind you as you walked over to Classic's room.

Opening the door you peek in to see Classic awake and staring at the wall. "Hey." He said lightly as you entered. His eye lights seemed a bit fuzzy.

"Sans." You sit down on the floor next to him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be." He pulled a confused face.

You cross your arms and rest your chin on the mattress. "Don't pull that on me, Sans. You haven't been coming down and no one has seen you for a long time." You narrowed your eyes at him. "What is wrong."

Sans shook his head. "No, it's fine." He looked away. "Plus we've only known you for like four days. I still don't-"

"Trust me! Yeah, that's fair." You nod your head standing up. His posture relaxed. Hah. "But you will be coming downstairs with me."

You grab his left arm and lift him up much to his yells of displeasure. You adjust him so he could be more comfortable as you carried him downstairs. Red and Killer were in there talking and when you dropped Sans on the couch it looked like they were holding in laughter.

"Shut it. He was being sad up in his room. I don't want him up there until it is time for bed." You point your finger at the two. "So stop."

You walked back to the kitchen and you immediately noticed a weird glob of something on the stovetop. Blue was sitting at a chair at the table looking at it. You assumed it was his creation. When he saw you enter he waved enthusiastically.

"Y/n! I made you something!" He pointed at the glob. "It's a pie and I left it in the oven overnight so it wasn't raw!"

Ah, that's why it was pitch black.

"Wow!" You say looking at it. "Let's put it away. For dessert!"

Blue's face fell and he muttered, "Can you try a little bit right now?"

"Fine." You say rubbing your eyes. You weren't in the mood to be poisoned but Blue's sad face was probably worse. "But not much, it's still really early."

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