Chapter 2: Cursed Technique

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The dark, chilly evening crowds populated the city, seemingly oblivious to the hideous creature slithering across the pavement. Its blood-red body was freakishly long, comparable to that of a snake. A multitude of murderous mouths covered the monster's flesh — their teeth as black as charcoal. It lacked eyes, but four twitching ears could be seen where its face was supposed to be. The apparition phased through every footstep unknowingly landing upon it, leaving it undisturbed.

Yukari waited by a traffic light, blankly staring at the creature lurking on the other side of the road. He needed an explanation — it was all the teenager could think about. There had been no trace of the shadow arms that had saved his life two days prior, although Yukari theorised that the paranormal occurrence may be related to emotions somehow. The internet proved futile in his search for answers, and the ancient books belonging to the local library did not seem to help, either. Despite this, the boy's luck would soon change.

The forceful stomp of a black boot snapped the monster in half. Its body withered away instantaneously. Yukari blinked. His vision shifted from the boot to the long black hair of a mysterious young man, who continued walking as if nothing had happened. The teenager stepped forward while scanning the traffic light beside him. To his dismay, it displayed the colour red. Adrenaline filled the boy's veins as he desperately tried to keep sight of the man.

The light turned green. Yukari sprinted in the stranger's direction, watching as he disappeared behind a corner. Determined, the teenager kept running. He saw the man up ahead and stopped to catch his breath. The boy figured it would be better to wait until fewer people were around before asking any questions.

Now walking, Yukari followed the stranger. A few minutes passed, and once on an empty street, the man paused and took out a phone from his pocket — subsequently dialling an unknown number.

"The curse user was present in the area. Yes. I managed to trace his residuals, but failed to locate him. I'll inform the others soon. Please come pick me up. I've sent you the address already. Thank you."

The stranger's voice was rather deep, yet retained a calm and elegant tone. He ended the phone call and turned his head, noticing the teenager.

Yukari made eye contact while remaining expressionless. "You can see those monsters too, can't you?"

The man nodded. "Yes. I presume you are referring to curses."

"Curses?" Replied the teenager, confused.

"That's right. My name is Shinji Miyogusa, and I'm a Jujutsu Sorcerer."

Shinji looked about eighteen years old. He had black shoulder-length hair and murky green eyes. Furthermore, the man wore a long-sleeved collared black shirt, along with a brown leather apron reaching down to his waist. Shinji's trousers were grey, lacking vibrancy. He also bore heavy black boots, which contributed to his tall stature. Fastened to the sorcerer's left hip was an eerie plague doctor mask made of wood, matching the colour of his hair.

"I'm Yukari Tsumeyami... I don't get it. What are you talking about?"

An ominous breeze swept past the teenager. Wordlessly, he waited for an answer.

"Every day, the negative emotions that leak out of humans gather together like sediment, forming malevolent entities called curses." Shinji's speech ceased momentarily. "Formally referred to as cursed spirits, these monsters often attack humans — devouring them in order to become stronger. Others have a more subtle approach, cursing unsuspecting victims to death and gaining power during the process. It is considered lucky for a person to die a normal death after encountering a curse."

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