Chapter 16 - Heard it.

Start from the beginning

Raj :- "His father?"

Mohan :- "Yeah. I'm searching more about his father it's really hard to find out about this guy he is a mystery."

Raj :- "He really is."

Mohan :- "I'll inform you what I find out soon."

Raj :- "Ok thanks."

Raj disconnected the call. The question still remains why was he fooling yashita? that didn't make any sense. And by what he heard that night he knew that mohit didn't even love yashita he loved kaveri. Is he fooling her for money? Or is it something else?

Raj :- "God I hope mohan finds out something soon."


Sarth was in his tent getting fresh after the long game when aarvi walked in with a excited smile.

Sarth :- "Hey Simba."

Sarth smiled and knelt down to her level so he could talk to her nicely.

Aarvi :- "You know I love lion king Sk? How?"

Aarvi excitedly asked which made sarth chuckle.

Sarth :- "Yes I do, it's my magic."

Aarvi :- "Wow you are so cool SK!"

Aarvi clapped her hands which made sarth go Aww. He pinched her cheeks.

Aarvi :- "SK can you please marry my aai?! You are so awesome I wish you were my baba."

This got sarth emotional, he really wanted to tell aarvi then and there that yes he is her father but he couldn't, they need to wait till they get back. But why was she asking him this all of a sudden.

Aarvi :- "I heard from my aaji that only after marriage two people become aai baba. So after you marry my aai You can become my baba!"

Aarvi smiled at sarth her eyes were filled with excitement, longing and hope for a father. Sarth's eyes welled up he really felt frustrated at this situation, his daughter is right in front of him but he can't tell her that he is her baba.

He hugged aarvi and patted her head. She too wrapped her tiny arms around his neck which filled him with extreme happiness.


Meghana :- "WHAT?!"

Meghana fell on her knees at the news, she couldn't believe it how can she be such a fool?

- "Yes They ran away with all our money! They fooled us!"

One of the men who had come there to collect his money shouted. Today was the day when meghana was going to get her double money, she had called reena to tag along but she couldn't because she had a thing to do, so meghana came alone to the office to collect her money, but when she got here she got the shock of her life.

The manager who had promised them that he will double their money ran away with it.

Meghana :- "What I am going to do? What i am going to tell rakesh?!"

Meghana burst out crying, lots of people like meghana were sitting and crying, cursing their fate.

Meghana :- "Bappa please help me!"

Just then her phone started ringing, it was rakesh. She hung up at first but it rang again so she took deep breath and picked up the call.

Rakesh :- "Meghana where are you? I'm so worried You left so early and didn't anyone what happened?"

Meghana :- "I ugh I..I came to meet my friend she..She was ugh going somewhere."

Meghana Pinched the bridge of her nose to control her tears. She can't let him found out about this now.

Rakesh :- "Meghu are you ok? Why is your voice sounding like that?"

Meghana :- "I just.. got emotional.. ugh she is going to stay there permanent so."

Rakesh :- "Meghu just tell me where are you I'll come pick you up."

Meghana felt more guilty and scared after listening to his worried voice. She felt scared to lose him and guilty that she did this stupid thing.

Meghana :- "No..No I'll come home soon."

Rakesh :- "No tell me where are you?"

Meghana :- "Ok meet me at the station."


Sheetal :- "Are you sure this is ok Vinay?"

Sheetal asked as she flipped through the file of vinay's new project.

Vinay :- "Yes it is sheetal. Trust me after this project, we will be so successful that Manish will have to give us the respect we deserve!"

Vinay tried to reassure sheetal but it didn't work, sheetal was still feeling worried and scared about this whole project. Because suddenly some guy who turned out to be manish's friend offered this big project to vinay, he could have offered it to manish instead of vinay so why him? And The "Friend" didn't tell him much either .

And here vinay was not thinking about any of this stuff. He was too excited to even pay attention to it.

Sheetal :- "But vinay this project needs-

Vinay :- "Oh god sheetal all businesses have requirements like this. It won't be a problem."

Vinay smiled at sheetal and walked out of the room.

Sheetal :- "God bappa I'm so worried. I hope vinay doesn't end up doing something bad."


Jhanavi :- "Even jiya came to me asking the same thing. She asked me to marry you so I can be her mother, She told me that she always wanted a aai like me."

Sarth :- "That means Both of them decided this together."

Jhanavi :- "Exactly. Sarth I feel bad I really want to tell them that we are their parents."

Sarth kept his hand on her shoulder and smiled at her reassuringly. Which seemed to work because now jhanavi too was smiling.

Sarth :- "We will tell them as soon as we get there."

Jhanavi :- "Yes soon."

Jhanavi and sarth smiled at each other. But one thing they didn't know was that aarvi and jiya had heard their conversation.

NOTE - English is not my native language so please forgive me if I did any mistakes.

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