Pizza Toppings And Misunderstandings

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————— Flashback continues—————-

After a couple of days, Garou was gone. He had left in the night, not having said a thing to you. This, you were okay with, since he had only caused trouble during his stay. But nonetheless you felt a little sad, seeing that he had disappeared from his usual spot. You had fun, even though you two liked to come after each other.
He didn't even thank me, you shrugged,: Heh...That bastard...

You prepared to go to work that morning, putting on the firm's uniform which was to you an ugly mess of turquoise and orange. You tightened your cap to your head: From this day, everything will be normal again.
"Yush!", you excitedly exclaimed to yourself.

"Eh, why do you want to look at my book again old man?", a little boy asked the man, who had suddenly appeared on the same park bench as him. This was not the first time this had happened. The man rested his arms on the back of the bench and spoke in a low voice:
"Why do you have to ask so many questions? And stop calling me that". The boy handed out his book to the man, who took it to himself to inspect immediately.
"Say what?" The boy asked still with a confused look.

Garou didn't respond to that. He flicked trough the book quickly with a serious expression, his eyes fixated on all the pictures of the heroes on every page.

——————— Garou's POV ———————-

Hmm, looks like the girl isn't a hero after all, she's not mentioned here, I thought to myself. Or maybe she's not even mentionable enough to be in this list of nobodies, I chuckled and gave the book back to the boy, who took it back happily, going through it again with a smile. That weakling... daring to mistake me for a human. I am going to be the greatest monster after all... I want to see the look on her face when-

"Old man, what are you staring for", the boy asked again gently. I found myself having been zoning out. Shit, I've got to get a hold of myself.

——————— Writer's POV ——————

Even though it was a busy day, you were shining at work. You were on a good mood and your co-worker and a friend Aiko had noticed that.
"You seem happy today", she gently smiled at you with closed eyes while she was cleaning the counter. You turned to look at her:
"Yup! I'm feeling great", you laughed joyously.
"Things must be going well with your new boyfriend", she suddenly said with her innocent smile. You freezed in shock and your face turned blue. You rushed at her with speed not humanly possible.

"Aiko! You're not supposed to talk about that!", you whispered at her, looking around if anyone heard.
"Aww, but why? This is so exciting!" She said as if she was confused about your words.
"Because he and all the people connected to him are dangerous. Besides, I don't think people like our boss would be happy to hear that I helped a criminal", you kept whispering anxiously. Then you suddenly blushed heavily out of realization:
"And he is not my boyfriend! The reason why I am happy today is because he finally left!", you corrected Aiko.
"Eh, so you scared him away? What a shame, I really wanted to meet him", she frowned cutely. Your face turned blank as if your soul left your body: W-why? I literally just said he is a dangerous criminal.

"Y/n stop sleazing off, a customer just came in!" You heard your boss calling you.
"R-right, coming!" You exclaimed back. You smiled with your eyes closed as you turned around towards the counter:
"Welcome to Pepe's Pizza, where all your dreams come true, what can I get to-".
"All of my dreams eh?" A familiar voice from a familiar man interrupted your sentence. Your mouth fell open like in a cartoon.
"Pretty bold from a pizza place", he continued as he was looking up as if he was bored, leaning to the counter with his hand supporting his chin.

You stood there like a statue, making stuttering noises.
"WHAT ARE YOU-", you stopped shouting as you realized where you were,: "- What are you doing here?!" You asked less loudly.
"Do you ask all your customers that? Kind of unprofessional", he now looked at you still with a bored expression. You gritted your teeth. But then you felt your bosses stare digging into your neck.
"Wh-what can I get to you, sir?" You forced a smile on your face. His face lit up to that:
"That's a good girl", he said in a low voice, clearly enjoying himself. You were about to explode, but you took his order and watched as he went to take his seat.

"Now I know what all the fuss is all about", you suddenly heard Aiko's gentle voice from behind you.
"You didn't tell me he was cute!" She giggled, which shocked you.
"Aiko, how did you-?... Whatever, but don't say anything dumb to him, got it?" You muttered to her. Soon your other co-worker Dai served Garou his order. As you were taking other customers' orders, you kept your close eye on him. Sweat was forming on your forehead: What is he planning? Getting me fired?

To your surprise you noticed Dai taking her time to speak with him. You saw her giggle and smile cutely to him as she quickly brushed her hand on his, as if it had been an accident. Is Dai flirting with him? Tch, what do I care. You tried to ignore them, but it didn't take long for your eyes to slowly heep into their table again.

Then you saw him suddenly shift his position to a more welcoming one, as he leaned closer to Dai and smiled sweetly at her. Then he motioned her to get closer to him, so he could whisper her something. You swallowed hard, but didn't realize it. Okay, so they fancy each other, not a big deal, let the douchebag live his life, you reassured yourself.

You were now working at the counter as if nothing had happened, but then you suddenly saw Dai leave Garou's table. She looked less joyful as she walked up to you.
"Oi, that guy there wanted to say to you, that you look dumb when you stare like that", Dai side eyed you and walked to the backroom before you could answer. You were now standing there dumbfounded and humiliated. H-he knew I was looking... this entire time? You wanted to die.

You gave him a murderous eye, as he was eating the last pieces of his pizza. After he was done he came to pay, but at that time Aiko was on the counter. You were now at the breakroom punching a sofa pillow in anger. That. Bastard. I have to get back at him...

It was now the end of your shift so you headed to the lockers. Soon Aiko entered as well.
"Not only good looking, but also nice", she giggled again. You growled:
"The opposite of nice".
"Oh right, he gave me this note so I could give it to you. Said it was for the good service." You furrowed your brows, and took the letter. As you opened and there read, in bad handwriting: One point for me, zero for you.

"Tch, thanks for the tip asshole", you muttered.

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