The "Hostage" Situation

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You yawned loudly as you walked to the kitchen to make some evening snack. It was your day off of work, so you spend the entire day watching your favourite shows and scrolling through your phone.

As you were enjoying your free time, suddenly you heard your doorbell ringing. You grunted in annoyance. You didn't feel very social today. Especially if your sudden visitor was that grey haired smugman.

"Coming", you said both in frustration and tiredness , as the person had started to violently ring the doorbell and knock. You slowly started to get yourself to move towards the door. But then, you heard some muttering and before you could reach it, you watched as your door was now flying across the living room. You stared at your now unattached door in shock: "What the fuck!? I'm renting this place you imbecile!"

You turned around and you witnessed to you unknown people walking calmly inside your apartment. You guessed from their attire that they were heroes. Now you were even more pissed.
"I didn't say come in!" You shouted at them. Before you could ask any questions, one of them addressed you. You guessed he was the leader.
"Apologies for our unpolite entrance, but we must insist that you come with us", the man squinted his eyes at you.
"Eh?" You muttered out in confusion. What was this dude talking about?

"Have you heard of the name, Garou the Hero hunter?-", you raised your brow: "Heh, your face tells me that it is so. In fact, I am almost certain that you know him, more...personally", he said that with a judgeful, suggestive look. You were shocked. How dare he?!
"Look mister, I don't know where have you learned your...manners-", you glanced at the broken door again: "-But you don't just barge into random women's houses and accuse them of... you know". You crossed your arms in anger.

The man looked confused for a second and after a realization he suddenly corrected you: "I-I didn't suggest that! I just meant that you two seem like you are close!". The room fell into intolerable awkwardness and no one said a word. On the outside you had a confident neutral smile, but on the inside you wanted to die.

"Well I'm sorry to be the partypooper, but you have made a mistake. We aren't close", you shook your head:
"It's true that we have talked and stuff, but we are barely acquaintances. In fact, we despise each other. Find someone else to bother on their free day". The heroes gasped and fell into a silence for a moment, weighing your words, wether you were telling the truth.
"Liar!", now the only woman in the group exclaimed in determination. She pointed at you: "You're coming with us. We are going to use you as bait to lure the infamous hero hunter and capture him!" She chuckled and gave you a smug smile.

You stared at them with a neutral expression for a short while, crossing your arms. Then you sighed loudly in weariness:
"Well there goes my day off". The herocrew gave a surprised exclamation.
"Fine, I'll come with you. After you see that he doesn't give a single rat's ass about me, at least you will leave me alone", you continued. The three heroes were astounded. The other dude who hadn't spoken a single word yet muttered defeatedly:
"Ahaha... I really thought she would give us even a small fight". You ignored this comment and walked past them outside into the hallway of the flat:
"So, let's go". The heroes gave each other a look.

———————— later —————————

You were now tied up in an abandoned storage house, impatiently looking around for anything entertaining to give attention to. The wind howled trough the shattered glass of the ceiling window. You smiled a little as you noticed that the clouds had started to move in the breeze, revealing how the evening was now slowly turning into a night. You had no clue how long you have been sitting in that chair, but it felt like hours. Your thoughts were interrupted by a small noice under a table: a mouse was eating sone garbage it had found.

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