The Secret Within Slytherin House

Start from the beginning

I frowned at him when I thought over what he had said "why would I need to attend your school Sir" I asked him politely, not commenting on the fact that he thinks my aunt is my mother, his eyes twinkled at me but I could see he was annoyed by my question "every muggleborn witch or wizard who has come into their magic are sent to Hogwarts, I'm afraid it's against the law to decline this invitation, though someone with your heritage might find it difficult at first, it will get better" he answered me and after a few more words to my aunt he left, I stayed tense and waited to say anything until I couldn't sense him anymore and then turned to my aunt "he isn't a nice man" I told her truthfully and watched as she tightened her hold on my hand

My aunt after making herself a cup of tea and me some hot chocolate, sat me down and asked me if there was anything I needed to tell her, I knew I couldn't keep it a secret because we had a visit from someone who could do the same thing, so I told her what I've been able to do since I was younger and explained why I never mentioned it to her, the part that the headmaster mentioned "...someone of my heritage..." that there told me something important, he made it seem that I was unworthy for my gift, before he had left he passed me a book called Hogwarts: A History, which I actually read within an hour, I read about the different houses of Hogwarts and something about each founder but there wasn't much on Salazar Slytherin, the other founders had more information about them, their history, their talents, their achievements but not the Slytherin founder, which I thought wasn't right and another thing I found odd was how slim the book was, surely given that the history of Hogwarts goes back a thousand years, should be thicker

I don't know why, but I had this weird feeling, that the headmaster is not someone a person could trust, he would use a person for his own gain, and that was making me nervous going to Hogwarts, especially since I had another special gift

Flashback Over

My aunt took me to Diagon Alley the first Saturday she had off, I looked around amazed by the different styles of the shops and how welcoming it felt, we were both impressed by the different shops and how people were dressed, she commented that it was similar to her own work clothes, we went into the bookstore and picked up my books that I was going to need, and my aunt allowed me to get a few extras, since she knows how quick I can get through a book, after quickly purchasing my new books and my wand, the minute we got home I ran upstairs and started reading my new books, I love having a photographic memory because reading all this would only take me a few hours, by the time dinner came around I had read through my charm, potions, transfiguration and herbology books, I like all four subjects so far, but I have to see what they are like when September 1st comes along, dinner was filled with talks about my new school and that I shouldn't forget my manners when I get there and that I had to write often to let her know how I am

On Monday morning my aunt had to go over an important case and I didn't wish to get in her way, so I asked if I could go back to Diagon alley, she works close by to the muggle entrance and I would only after walk to her office building when she's done, she thought about it for a few minutes and then slowly nod her head but I had to promise to meet her at 5 o'clock that evening, I quickly agreed and she dropped me off and gave me extra money, the first thing I saw was the sign for Flourish and Blotts, I smiled softly and quickly walked into the shop, which is quickly becoming my favourite store, I walked inside and inhaled deeply the smell of books, I smiled at the clerk behind the counter and then went looking for a few new books, I wanted more on charms, herbology since I like flowers so knowing a bit more about that subject wouldn't hurt, arithmancy looked interesting as well, I picked up a few different books on each subject, I found more advanced books on charms, potions and transfiguration, they seems to be the subjects that would challenge me the most and I wanted to see what they would be like for higher years

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