Chapter 10: Pretend

Start from the beginning

The triggered boy ignores the plight of her friend.
"What the hell do you even know about liking someone anyways, Ashido?"

Before she can even open her mouth, he goes on.
"Actually, don't even say anything, cause the answer is obvious: absolutely nothing — cause instead of telling Kirishima that you liked him like a NORMAL person, you instead chose to continually drag him into your room without his consent, FORCING yourself onto him, until he eventually gave in and started to like you for real."

His words strike repressed memories within her heart.
"Don't... Don't bring him into this... — And, yeah, I understand what I did back then wasn't cool, but he told me himself that he was fine with it, s-so everything worked out in the end..."

Sensing her doubt, he continues targeting her
"So your actions are justified all of a sudden? He might've told you it was alright afterwards, but at the time, he didn't want ANY of it.. and yet you still went on.

That's your idea of liking someone? No wonder nothing worthwhile's happened between you two."

Sensing that this has become personal, Momo zips her mouth for the time being.

Mina struggles to come up with a response. Even though what happened between her and her previous relationship was well in the past — deep inside, she knows that what he had just said was true at the end of the day.

Even then, she bitterly follows up.
"Yeah, I know I'm stupid and annoying, and that I've made dumb mistakes, but can I have an apology, at least?! I feel like telling me to 'shut my effing mouth' was completely unwarranted!"

He laughs, mockingly.
"Unwarranted? Oh no, you completely deserved that — I KNOW you know you deserved that."

She denies his statement.
"What?! Maybe you're right in saying that I'm a horrible friend, but you're not telling me that out of genuine concern; you're just being pretentious!"

He's emphatic in his tone.
"Really, now? The loudest, most obnoxious person in the class — calling ME pretentious? Almost everything that our class has done outside of school, it's always been somehow revolving around you.

Whenever YOU want to go out?— You just have to bring everyone along with you; it's ALWAYS about you, isn't it?"

He mocks her demeanor.
"Let's go play Truth or Dare!" or "Let's all go Slow Dance!" or "Let's all tell each other who we're going out with for the dance!"

That last one is absolutely fucked up. Do you remember when you had Kaminari confess his feelings right in the middle of the dorms, right in front of the whole class?

Yeah, I remember that — and it was DEGRADING. Didn't he start crying then, too?— While the entire class watched. But no, you just had to interfere with his business | with EVERYONE'S business."

Momo finally speaks up, trying to stop the situation from escalating.
"Izuku, I understand that you're angry tonight for some reason, but please don't bring our other friends into this...!"

Mina tries to refute his words.
"All I'm hearing is that I'm really good at bringing our class together!"

He scoffs at her remark.
"Together?— TOGETHER?! That's asinine, and you know it-"

Momo pleads for her friend to stop.
"Izuku, please — that's enough! What Mina has done comes from kindness, and from wanting our class to thrive together. Even then, all you're doing is tearing each other apart-!"

But her presence only fuels him further.
"Oh, Momo — So willing to look past your friends' shortcomings...
In my honest opinion, though, you should be the one who hates her the most."

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