8 ~ "My name was... 005."

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My eyes shot open as I audibly gasped at the sight of the sickening face I saw, only briefly, but long enough for it to burn into my brain and render me fucking terrified. My eyes opened, but I wasn't surrounded by darkness this time, there was fluorescent lighting above me and the voices of people I knew around me. "Princess?!" Eddie called out beside me, squeezing my hand softly as he grabbed my attention, I turned to face him and felt that amazing warmth in my chest as his smiling relieved face. "Eddie..." I sighed softly before he lent over and grasped me into a tight embrace, his breathing becoming shaky as she tried to hide back the sobs of joy at me finally being awake. "W-where am I?" I knew I wasn't at home, but the room looked a lot like my old bedroom at the facility which made the knot of panic begin to tighten in my stomach. "You're in the hospital, baby. You-you'd passed out at home I think. I found you in your room, covered i-in blood and the whole place was a mess!" Oh god, what did I do to the trailer?! I knew I had a habit of breaking things when my emotions took over, but he made it sound really fucking bad this time.

"Princess... I-I think it's time we talk about all those things you've been avoiding?" he was right. I kept pushing him away from learning anything about me, thinking it would keep him safe from the people I ran away from, but if Peter was right about El, telling him the truth might just keep him safe from her. I looked around at the curious faces around me, I could hear them all thinking different theories about who I was and what my life must have been like all of which mentioning something called Vecna, but the only one who was even remotely correct was 011, or rather, El. "Please don't shut me out again. Please just talk to me this time!" I could hear Eddie silently begging me, his pleas were loud as they pounded through my head, but his face still looked encouraging despite his saddened tone. This conversation was going to really suck, my chest burned at the thought of sharing all of this with a room full of people, but I took a deep breath and readied myself to speak.

"El was right, she did recognise me. And I knew who she was as soon as I saw her. Before I was adopted by Alice, my name was... 005." my voice cracking as I recalled my previous apparent "name", glancing down at the number engraved into my wrist. "So you were one of the first?" Steve asked and I only nodded as I kept my eyes fixed to the numbers on my arm. "I was born there, like the others. Never knew my parents... only Papa." my body shuddered as I said that name, I could see the discomfort on El's face too. "When I was about 8, I ran away and never went back. Alice found me cold and sore from running through the woods and that's when my real life started. They spent weeks trying to find me and I thought it was safe, until Alice died last year. Her car accident was a total mystery, no idea who ran her car off the road, but I just know it was them." I tried to gloss over the worst parts of living in the facility, they must've know about some of it because of El. "And... y-your, powers?" I could see how uncomfortable it made Eddie to even think about me being some super-powered freak, I was scared he would think our whole friendship and relationship was a lie, something I'd manipulated, but it wasn't at all. Everything we felt for each other was real.

"I- uhh, I can control people, I can make them move or speak exactly how I want them too. I can make them see whatever I want them to see, that's how I escaped the facility. I can hear what people are thinking, o-only when I choose too usually - an-and I don't! Not anymore! Except you, Eddie... I don't know why but I can always hear your thoughts, all of them." Eddie's eyes widened at learning I'd heard everything he ever thought since we met, even the things he thought about when he watched me during D&D and during our steamy make out sessions when he'd claim to "accidentally" graze his hand across my ass. His cheeks burned crimson red at the embarrassment of the very personal things I'd heard. "And, uh, luckily for Dustin, I can move people and objects - just like El." Everyone's eyes grew wide as they'd finally figured out what happened to Dustin when the car was coming toward him, Dustin burst through the group of people and threw himself at me in a strangulating hug, "Thank you!" he whispered as his arms locked tighter around my neck.

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