j. woo + teaching you card tricks

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jimmy flinches when a king of diamonds flies past his eyes, landing on the floor with a soft swish.

it joins the six of hearts, two threes, and an ace.

you muffle your irritated groan into his shoulder. "i give up."

"you'll get it, sweetie." as best you can, you keep your eyes buried away, even as he shifts around to welcome you into his arms. "it takes time, just like anything else."

an irritated huff. you make a mental note to bring the stack of cards to work and practice during your downtime.

and after a few months, you think you can do it.

"jimmy, can you grab the salt?"

he makes for the kitchen shelves, his hand trailing across you waist as he passes you. you feel jittery as you watch him, but you channel that energy into tossing the vegetables cooking in your pan.

with your other hand, you dig the playing card out of your hoodie pocket. a long puff of air escapes your pursed lips.


as you turn and reach for it, you give your hand a little flourish, and there it is: the queen of diamonds.

the container thuds to the ground. "holy shit."

you fight back a grin. "did i do it?"

in response, he barrels into your waist and lifts you off your feet. you giggle, your heel accidentally knocking over the salt on the floor. "it was perfect."

you pet the soft hair at the nape of his neck. "really? you're not lying."

he sets you down but keeps you close. "i didn't see it coming, at all." jimmy's warm palm brushes across your cheek, so you hold it there.

your chin tucks into your chest when he plants a gentle kiss on your forehead. "practice makes perfect, i guess."

he sighs. "my amazing girl."

rodrikstark's headcanons (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now