b. barnes + his big huggable body

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as predicted, your cousins are all over bucky

the littlest ones, especially, squeal in delight as they hook themselves over bucky's two forearms

knees bent and legs swinging as he lifts them high off the ground

despite his sour mood earlier, bucky smiles at them, his new blue sweater stretching a little as they climb his big body like a tree

your heart warms at the sound of his deep laughter mixing with their giggles

you don't want to interrupt, but you hover close by him just in case he ever needs an excuse to escape the situation

you make light conversation with your relatives and pretend you're not currently absolutely smitten with your boyfriend

about an hour later, the kids tire out and head back inside. bucky finds you alone, sitting on a bench on the porch

"you okay?"

"yeah," he responds. "tired though." he sits next you, briefly adjusting to let you snake your hands around his strong torso, hugging him.

he mocks a painful expression. "careful, your cousins really did a number on me." he pulls you closer.

rodrikstark's headcanons (part 1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat