The vanishing Glass

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                                                                                                                                             (Outfit she is wearing for this chapter)

(The black screen brightens with words that says ten years later.) 

Petunia: Up. Get up! [She knocks on their door repeatedly] Now! [you hear a smack on the door and footsteps leading away from the door]
Gemini: I hate her so much. Harry when can i kill her is it time yet.
Harry: you can't yet sister i know you already have it planned just give it time.
Gemini: oh harry it would be wonderful just wait.
(Harry gets up to turn on the light with a reluctant Gemini. He puts on his glasses that has tape on the bridge. A large, tubby boy, Dudley Dursley, suddenly comes running down the stairs. He stops at the end just to go back half way and jump on the stairs.

"Why is he jumping on the stairs" Lily asled confused. "You'll see mom" Gemini said. Everyone looks worried about what is to come mostly Gemini and harry. They share a look and say oh lord scared what their mom and dad are going to do.

Dudley: wake up cousins! We're going to the zoo!
[The twins are now trying to find there socks. They find them but a spider is on them. Harry calmly takes of the spider since it doesnt bother them anymore. You get used to spiders when you slep in a cupboard under the stairs.] 

Its quiet to quiet well untill lily starts throwing hexes at dumbledore. While lily does this james is being held back by sirius, peter, remus and regulas. Now just thank that just because there holding back james means that there not angry oh there furious. Regulas does not know why he cares so much but the future generation share knowing looks. "Let me go i have a face to break" James yells. "Hey everyone calm down there gone trust me they didn't go peacefully." Gemini cackles. "But flower i was going to kill her after the movies it gives me time to plan." Lily says making all the guys around her to scoot over. "Don't worry lils will help It gives us sibiling bonding time." Marlene says with alice.

{Harry tries to come out of the closet, but is pushed back in by dudley. Petunia is in the kitchen, where dudley has gone.}

Petunia: Oh, here comes, the birthday boy!
Vernon: Happy birthday, son.
(Petunia and dudley giggle together. Harry and Gemini walk into the kitchen, Harry dressed in overgrown clothes and Gemini in sweats.)
Petunia:[To harry unpleasantly] Why don't you just cook the breakfast, and try not to burn anything.
Harry: Yes, Aunt Peatunia.
Gemini: Why can't you do it god harry i'm ready to start my plan. Can i do it now.
Harry: no gemini you have to wait still. I'm sorry you can't kill them yet.
Gemini: it's fine i guess i'll wait.
Vernon: you, Girl bring my coffee then set the table.
Gemini: Yes, uncle vernon (You ungrateful pig) she whispered that part causing harry to laugh. (He loves his sister even her killer thoughts.)

"Harry, Gemini when did you start cooking and being their serven? lily asked calmly. "since we were five" harry said worried by her tone. Gemini looks at her father to see him get up without anyone seeing. "Oh god" she said while hurring to get up. James starts to run at dumbledore prepared to punch him. When he was tackled to the ground. "oooowwww that hurt flower why did you do that? He said. "Sorry but i have a plan for him" Gemini said with a evil tone. "Fine only because i love you and also because you scare me as much as your mother" James said. Lily looks like she is about murder Dumbledore but she gets a wink by gemini. Lily wants to see what her flower will do so she sits quietly loving her daughters murderous mind.

Petunia: I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day
(Gemini gags behind their back making harry laugh)
Vernon: [To harry, who is taking his time putting bacon on the plates] Hurry up! Bring our food boy.
(Gemini slames her hands down on the table making the dursleys jump and harry to smile)
Gemini: I would watch how you talk to my brother if i was you on my last nerve and im not scared to hurt someone. DO YOU UNDERSTAND! Now if i was you i would say sorry.
Vernon: Sorry boy take your time.

Lily claps for her daughter while cheering.

(Petunia leads dudley over to the family room, where they are a vast amount of presents. Dudley startes.)
Petunia: Aren't they wonderful, darling?
Dudley: How many are there?
Vernon: 36. Counted them myself.
Dudley: 36? But last year i had 37.
Vernon: yes, well, some of them are quite a bit bigger than last year.
Gemini: ungrateful brat
Dudley: i don't care how big they are!
Petunia: [Calming him down] Oh, now this is what we're going to do, when we go oyt we're going to buy you two new presents. How's that pumpkin?
Gemini tries not to laugh

"Thats not how you handle this situation!" yells all the mothers. "Oh don't worry it gets worse over the years." The twins say

[Outside the house the "happy" family are heading to the car.
Petunia: This will be a lovely day at the zoo. I'm really looking forward to it.
(the twins try to get into the car but are stoped.
Vernon: i'm warning you now, twins. Any funny business, any at all, you won't have any meals for a weak. Now get in.

"Oh im so going to kill him. No i got a better idea im going to torture him were he wishes hes dead then slowly kill him with my bear hands." Lily says happly. Bellatrix is in awe liking her more and more as the movie goes on. "Can i help lily i have a few ideas." Bellatrix says.

[At the london zoo. The family are in the reptile house, looking at the large boa snake.]
Dudley: Make it move.
[Vernon taps the galss of the cage.]
Vernon: MOVE!
[Dudley taps the much harder, and vernon nervously winces.
Dudley: Move!
Twins: He's asleep
[Dudley and his parents head over to another enclosure]
Twins: were sorry about him.
Harry: he doenst understant what it's like lying there day after day, having people press their ugly faces in on you.
[the snake looks up and blinks]
Gemini: can you hear us.
[The snake nods]
Gemini: omg harry do you know what this means and what pranks i can play with this.
Harry just sighs

Gemini: This is creepy, you're from burma, aren't you? Was it nice there, do you miss your family?
[the snake turns it's head in the direction of a sign which says Bred in Captivity]
Harry: I see. That's us as well. We never knew our parents either.
Gemini: Wow now your comparing us to a snake, but i couldn't have asked for a better brother.

[The now awake snake has attracted dudley's attention. He comes over to the glass knocking harry and gemini on the floor.]

"Omg my flower and bambi are you okay." James and lily ask their children. His and her friends look worry too while screaming about dudley touching them.

Dudley: Mummy, dad, come here! you won't believe what this snake is doing!
[Dudley puts his hands on the glass wall. With his back turned, Harry and Lani glare at him. Suddenly, the glass to the snakes cage is gone causing dudley to fall in.]
Dudley: whoa! ahh! help!
[Harry snickers while gemini is holding her stomach and rolling on the floor laughing. The snake get out of the exhibit, stopping in front of the twins]
Snake: Thanks
Twins: Anytime
[The snake slithers away while playfully hissing at people]

The great hall finds that funny. All are laughing besides dumbledore who is loosing control.

Dudley: Mum, mummy
Petunia: My darling boy! How did you get in there? Vernon Help!
[The twins grin but stop when vernon notices and glares at them. Causing harry to scoot back a little and gemini to glare back.


Thats the end of the chapter hope you liked it!

More regulas moment to come starting when the twins go to
Diagon Alley! Gemini is going to learn something thats going to
make everyone angry at someone ( Cough Old goat Cough )

Sorry something in my throat lol. Lily and james are going to
the best parents ever. I can't wait for them to learn everything.

                                                                       XOXO bree

Harry potter and  Gemini potter (wtm) -Regulas black Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu