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3'rd pov

"Pads she looks so beautiful today, i can't take my eyes off her." Sirius sighed at his seat at the table. "James i truely love you your like a brother to me but its to early in the morning to hear you talk. Remus and Peter were watching them banter back and forth amused. James stood up real quick and stood on the griffindor table "oh lily flower will you go on a date with me." "no you idiot toerag now sit down before you get in trouble" Lily said. James smiled and looked happy she talked to him at least. "Shes falling for me i feel it didn't you see she told me to sit because she doesn't want me to get in trouble"

Just as he said that the doors to the great halls opened causing many of the younger students to jump out of their seats. There stood a large crowd of familiar faces.

The blacks, Melania and Artucurus black; Walburga and Orion Black; The Lestrange, Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange; The Tonks Andromeda, Ted tonks and three-year-old Nymphadora; The weasleys Molly and Arthur with their current children eight year old Bill, three year old Charlie, and baby Percy; Mad-eye moody; The fawley Nicholas and Amanda; The Potters Euphemka and Fleamont. They all had a piece of paper in there hands with confused expressions.

"Dumbledore what is the meaning of this, why are we all here?" Flemont said bewilered. "Great we get to see my mother i just love a family reunion." Sirius scoffed.  Walburga just rolled her eyes and was about to yell when she was interrupted by a very bright light. So bright everyone had to look away or close their eyes tightly to avoid eye damage.

When the light died down there stood ten people who looked to be in their late teens, four girls and six boys to be exact. "Who thought this was a good idea" a red head girl said sarcastically. The people who came with her looked at her like she was crazy. "you did" they all screamed at her. "jeez no need to be rude" she pouted. '' Who are you?'' Mad-eye moody interrogated while all the adults had their wands pointed at them. "while im the amazing, wonderful, fantastic, beautiful girl of your dreams of course." The red head girl jokingly said while the brown haired girl glared at her whith a slight hint of amusement.

"we're from the future," a blonde haired boy interrupted the red head beauty. The marauders were laughing so much they fell of the table benches holding their stomachs. "The future?" scoffed Professor McGonagall "Is this a prank that James and Siruis planned?" The two Red head girls snorted but quickly shut up when the brown haired gril shot them a glare.

" Listen Professor minnie we're from the future and we're here becasue we need help badly. There is going to be a second war with a lot of lives lost and we need your help to provent it. We have someone sending seven movies about our life so we can watch them and save the magic world." So can we get to introductions and start watching please." the red head said with a terriffing glare that meant if you disagred your dead.

No one said anything just looked at the girl. "Good lets start" She said.   Two red head twin boys came to the front "We are fred and george Weasly, our parents are Molly and Arthur Weasley, were 17 and we are also griffindors." Molly blushes while there are alot of whistles being thrown. A brown haired boy and a blonde hair girl step up "my name is Neville Longbottom, my parents are Alice and Frank Longbottom, i'm 16 and i am a griffindor. Alice hides her face while smiling like crazy, Frank looks at Alice glad that he gets with his crush. "My name is luna lovegood daughter of Xenophelius and Pandora Lovegood, I'm 15 and im a ravenclaw.'' She said with a far away look in her eyes and a dreamy voice. Her parents look at each other and blush while there friends whistle. Next a Blonde boy and a red head girl stepped up "my name is draco malfoy, Parents are Narcissa and lucius malfoy, I'm 16, and i'm in slytherin. The blacks and malfoys looked proud and approved it. The red head girl went next "my name is ginny weasley the only girl in the weasly family, i'm 15, my parents are molly and Arthur Weasley and i'm in Griffindor. They stepped back and another red head boy stepped up with a brown haired girl " my name is ron weasley, Parents are Molly and Arthur Weasly, Im 16, and im in Griffindor. Finally the last two walked up argueing about who goes last of course the girl won. "My name is Harry potter and My parents are James potter and Lily evans" He was interrupted by a squeal and his jumping up and down "I got evans, I got evans." James was happily singing and dancing around. "I married the toerag what is wrong with me in the future?" lily said. "Well since dad is finally calm lets contuine Im 16, and im a Griffindor." Harry said. The girl steped up looking as beautiful as ever with her red hair and green eyes. "saved the best for last i see well, my name is Gemini Potter and i'm 16, my parents are James and Lily potter and i'm also in Griffindor.

"woohoo i have two children with lily my life is set" james said.

'Now that introductions are out of the way are movies arrived while dad was jumping up and down"  Gemini said. "Hey cutie will you help me with this" She said while looking at Regulas. "Sure" he said.

"Now lets start the first movie of our misserable lives." Gemini said laughing crazingly.


Hi its the author i hope you liked the first chapter of this story. Plz comment if you have anything nice to say. If you don't like something plz don't comment it im only in highschool so i havent fully learned how to write a book yet and besides its my first time. I love you guys and hope we can finish this book journey together.

         XoXo bree

Harry potter and  Gemini potter (wtm) -Regulas black Where stories live. Discover now