Date at the Zoo #2

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It was a sunny Saturday morning when Lauren and Gabriela decided to go to the zoo for their second date. Lauren had always loved animals and couldn't wait to see all the different species up close. Gabriela, who worked as a security guard, was happy to accompany her and make sure she was safe.

As they walked through the gates of the zoo, they were immediately surrounded by a throng of paparazzi. Lauren had always been a private person and wasn't used to so much attention. She started to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do.

Gabriela, noticing that Lauren was feeling uncomfortable, quickly stepped in and pulled her away from the crowd. She led her to a quieter part of the zoo where they could see the animals in peace.

As they walked through the exhibits, Gabriela kept a close eye on Lauren, making sure she was okay and answering any questions she had about the animals. Despite the initial chaos, the two of them had a great time exploring the zoo together and getting to know each other better.

By the end of the day, Lauren felt grateful to have Gabriela by her side, not just as her security guard, but as a supportive and understanding companion. She couldn't wait to go on more adventures with her.

The next day, Lauren was excited to attend the red carpet event with her security guard, Gabriela. She had always felt safe and protected with Gabriela by her side, and she couldn't wait to show her off to all of her friends and colleagues at the event.

As they walked down the red carpet, heads turned and cameras flashed as people tried to get a glimpse of Lauren and Gabriela. Lauren felt a surge of pride as she held Gabriela's hand and introduced her to everyone they met.

After the red carpet event, Lauren and Gabriela decided to attend the after party together. As they mingled with the other guests, Lauren couldn't help but feel a strong connection to Gabriela. She felt like she had known her for years, and she couldn't imagine her life without her.

As the night went on, Lauren couldn't keep her feelings to herself any longer. She pulled her friends aside and told them that she and Gabriela were dating. They were thrilled for her and couldn't wait to get to know Gabriela better.

Lauren knew that her relationship with Gabriela was unconventional, but she didn't care. She was happy and in love, and that was all that mattered to her. She was grateful to have found someone who made her feel safe and loved, and she knew that she had found her soulmate in Gabriela.

Lauren Jauregui's security guardWhere stories live. Discover now