Always Love/ How they met #1

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Lauren Jauregui was a rising star in the music industry. She had just released her new music video for her single "Always Love" and was overwhelmed with the positive response she was receiving. As she navigated the hectic world of fame, she relied heavily on her security team to keep her safe and ensure her privacy.

Among her security team was Gabriela, a seasoned guard who had been with Lauren for a few years. Gabriela was always professional and kept her distance, but Lauren couldn't help but feel drawn to her. She admired Gabriela's quiet strength and intelligence, and often found herself seeking out her company when she needed a break from the madness of the music industry.

As the weeks passed, Lauren found herself thinking about Gabriela more and more. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special between them, and she couldn't ignore the way her heart skipped a beat whenever Gabriela was near.

One day, as they were preparing for a concert, Lauren mustered up the courage to confess her feelings to Gabriela. She was nervous, but she knew it was something she had to do.

To her surprise, Gabriela smiled softly and took her hand in hers. "I've had feelings for you too, Lauren," she said. "I just didn't know how to express them."

Lauren's heart raced as Gabriela leaned in to kiss her. The kiss was gentle and sweet, and it filled Lauren with a sense of peace and happiness she had never known before.

As they parted, Lauren knew that she had found something special in Gabriela. She was grateful to have such a supportive and loving person by her side as she navigated the ups and downs of the music industry. And she knew that, no matter what challenges came her way, she could always count on Gabriela to be there for her.

The next day after Lauren's concert, she was feeling a mix of exhaustion and excitement. She had always loved performing, but the energy and intensity of the shows always took a toll on her. As she was getting ready to wind down for the night, she received a message from Gabriela.

"Hey, I know this might be a little forward, but I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a date with me tonight," the message read.

Lauren couldn't help but smile as she read the message. She had been hoping for an opportunity to spend more time with Gabriela, and the thought of going on a proper date with her filled her with excitement.

She quickly replied, agreeing to the date and suggesting they meet at a cozy Italian restaurant near her hotel. Lauren had just arrived at the hotel after the concert and had a short nap before she had to go on their date. A few hours later as she got ready for their date, she couldn't shake the feeling of nervous anticipation that filled her. She knew that this was a big step for both of them, and she hoped that the evening would go well.

The date went better than either of them could have hoped for. The conversation flowed easily as they talked about their shared interests and passions. Lauren was amazed by how much she had in common with Gabriela, and she found herself laughing and smiling more than she had in a long time.

As the evening came to a close, Gabriela asked if she'd like to go back to her hotel room and watch a movie. Lauren eagerly agreed, and they made their way back to her room, chatting and laughing all the way.

As they settled in on the couch, Lauren felt a sense of contentment wash over her. She was happy to be spending time with Gabriela, and she knew that this was just the beginning of their journey together. She knew that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, she had found someone who cared for her deeply and who she could always rely on. And she knew that, as long as they were together, everything would be alright.

The two met at a party that Lauren had thrown at her apartment, and they hit it off right away. Gabriela was working as a security guard at the time, and she was really impressed by how organized and responsible Lauren was, and as Lauren was a celebrity, her company hired Gabriela to be her security guard and she's been Lauren's security guard for a few years.

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