𝟎𝟏. 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐝, 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐝, 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝

Start from the beginning

Eloise and Draco glanced at one another before resigning to silence. The guests that her uncle had mentioned were that of one Mr. Benedict Edevane and one Ms. Lavinia Gaunt: both individuals of high society and pure-blood status. Common guests in the Malfoy household, if one didn't know better, they might have assumed the pair as residents with how often they frequented the premises.

Mr. Edevane was a—well, Eloise wasn't actually sure what the man did for a living. To be honest, she couldn't even say what he uncle did. It was all very hush-hush. What she did know, was that Mr. Edevane was constantly traveling. He never said what for, but she did appreciate the gifts that he'd bring back for her and Draco. He was quite like an extended uncle that one never knew when he was bound to show up. He was a tall man with dark hair and a couple silver streaks here and there. He was usually found with a tie around his neck and a briefcase of oddities at his side.

Ms. Gaunt was a widow. Eloise had to ask her Aunt Narcissa what that had meant when she first heard the term, but now she understood it to be someone who was once married and now is not. Apparently, Ms. Gaunt's first husband died under mysterious circumstances—as well as the others that followed—yet her prestige in society as a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin himself was enough to keep the aurors at bay. She was an angular woman with dark hair and cold eyes. She always wore black, and often had a veil covering her face—the only exception being when she stepped foot inside the Malfoy household.

"Come now, Dear," Narcissa placed a hand on her husband's arm. "The children are just excited. And we've put this whole thing off long enough because you were insistent that Draco attend Durmstrang."

"And yet he's attending Hogwarts," Lucius countered as if to remind his wife that she'd gotten her way.

"Not if we don't get the letter sent," Eloise added, brushing some of her golden-ginger hair from her eyes. "Today's the last day."

"I'm sure they'd make an exception," Narcissa calmed the girl with a smile, running her fingers through the girl's fluffy curls. "I don't think I need to remind either of you that our family name holds quite a bit of power."

"And power is the key that unlocks doors," Eloise quoted with a smile and a giggle. "We're still going to get our supplies today, right?"

"Of course, darling," Narcissa agreed. "But I believe the kitchen has a surprise waiting."

Lucius stood back and watched a moment as his wife led both his son and his niece into the kitchen. There was a fond look in his eye, reserved only to be seen within his own household. To the outside world, ice was the only thing they'd find in his eyes and he liked it that way.

Although Narcissa had originally thought the additional child to be a nuisance and burden, Eloise had quickly won her favor. Of course she'd never be Draco, but she was as close to a daughter as they'd ever have. His sister never mentioned the girl's father—he had his suspicions—and he never asked. For if they knew, they might look at her differently. In their eyes, she was a pure-blood Malfoy. And that was the lie spoken to the public when Cordelia Malfoy disappeared, never to be seen again.

The deep clearing of a throat on the stairwell above stole Lucius's attention. He turned his head, facing Benedict as the man descended, adjusting his tie with briefcase in hand.

"I'm off."

"So soon?" Lucius asked. "You've just returned from America..."

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