Part One

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The humidity was unbearable as CIA agents Kay and Agnes trudged through the jungle, carrying what they could and trying to get as far away as possible from the shit show they had just unfolded in front of them. They had lost half the other members of their task force about four hours ago after they were ambushed whilst crossing a deep river, three of their close friends crossed the bridge and it was blown up whilst they were half way across. Agnes had suggested she and Kay walk further down river and cross through it in case the bridge couldn't hold their weight, not expecting things to go bad.

They were trekking through the jungle on a mission to infiltrate the compound of a drug smuggler, he was using children to help get it through as well as hookers and he was a wanted man. Their unit was sent in to track him down, posing as hookers to get inside and then take him down. Somehow he knew, sending men into the jungle and they'd suffered a major loss. The issue now was they couldn't pose as hookers because he might vet them, or he might have put a ban on hookers visiting his compound. If they were going to keep going, they needed a different strategy and right now, they just didn't have one. They had nothing except the shock of losing their friends and the stress of being seen by someone to come back and finish the job.

"Wait, I need a minute." Agnes took a deep breath, her lungs burned as she took in the much needed oxygen. "I need to stop." She wiped the sweat off her brow and took another deep breath.

"We should keep going, I don't want those guys to catch up with us." Kay slowed down to a stop and looked behind them as Agnes pulled out her water bottle. "You ok?"

"What the fuck happened back there?"

"We lost our friends, that's what happened." Kay took a deep breath. "How the fuck did they know we were coming? Do you think they've got eyes in the sky or-"

"Fuck knows," Agnes shrugged and looked up, seeing they were covered by the trees. "If they do, we're under shelter so they won't be able to locate us. I'm more shocked we escaped unharmed." She shook her head, pressing her lips together.

"Ugh! I know. I'm sorry, I just," Kay shrugged, she had no words. "How the fuck did that just happen?"

"I think we must have tripped something. He's probably got traps near the river, maybe he uses it to transport the gear?" Agnes frowned. "Throwing a bomb at them was pretty fucking brutal. There's no way any of them would get up and walk away from that, and that could have easily been us but as usual, we wondered off on a hunch."

"I can't believe we've lost them," Kay slowly shook her head, leaning against a tree so that it would take the weight of her rucksack. "Has anyone been on comms?"

"Nope. Last thing I heard was Caitlyn shouting that there were men and they were about to throw ammo." Agnes pulled out her radio, looking at it. "Should I contact base? Let them know we're alive?"

"Probably a good idea. We could probably finish the mission ourselves but we would definitely have to rethink and recalculate everything." Kay squatted and leaned into her bag and the tree, closing her eyes and just taking a moment.

"You think we could?"

"There's a town about a few days trek away, we could see what we could salvage by the time we get there, if not, we can get an extraction team in to get us out." Kay stretched her hand out, wordlessly asking for the water bottle. "Let base know we're alive." She swiped the sweat away from between her boobs, grimacing at the swimming pool it had created within her bra. The jungle humidity was not her fucking friend.

Agnes nodded. "Base come in, this is Fox, over."

"Base to Fox, go ahead. Over."

"Glitter, Wilson and Nails are deceased as far as we know. Explosive device was thrown at task force. Myself and Hooters weren't on the bridge, I'm not too sure what the hell happened or how they knew our location or whether we just accidently walked into something we shouldn't. We're heading North West, approximately seven miles from the river, over." Agnes looked around, there was nothing but thick foliage and her team mate.

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