A Bum is Born

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On the 40th floor of the Falcon's abode, holographic pictures of the crew changed from time to time. A somewhat out-of-place image of a carton of strawberry milk remained in its rightful place, no one having had the guts to remove it.

The newest photo addition was one of the Phantoms gathered around a pool. Arden and Reagan were in the process of dunking Orion in the water, and Alegra sat by the side of the pool with a large sunhat while reaching for Naomi with one hand. Naomi was already halfway into the pool, no doubt looking to join the dunking fest, and Sahara and Terrell stood behind the chaos with Terrell resting his chin on her head, as he so often did. Sahara had her mouth open as if in the middle of seeming to say something to the fiasco going on in the water. In a corner, a drenched cat was clawing its way out of the water.

The crew, as usual, had poorly mistimed the moment the actual picture was being taken by the drone.

Back in the room, light streamed through the windows, showcasing the surprisingly clean area. The silence was broken intermittently by chewing. Around the kitchen counter, the twins sat, focusing on consuming something that looked like sandwiches.

Whereas they were usually loud as could be, especially by noon, which the holographic clock showed, they were especially well-behaved.

Sitting on a hovering couch, facing away from the window, Sahara sat cross-legged, a glass of green liquid in one hand. With her other, she stroked a cat that lay in her lap eyes squinted. While it looked happy, the cat itself did not let out so much as a purr, seeming to understand the atmosphere very well.

A buzz sounded and chewing twins froze. Breathes were held as a cleaning drone, Reagan had miraculously remembered to turn on, buzzed happily into the room.

Arden's eyes flew to his twin in accusation.

Reagan shook his head and made wild gestures with his hand that could only mean who knew what. Sahara's hand froze mid-petting of the cat and even Mo lifted his head. Three pairs of human eyes, and one pair of felines watched the innocent machine.

It flew around, scanning for items that were out of place and dust. As it passed above one of the floating couches, it hovered in a spot. Blue light scanned and a beep sounded.

"Blanket needing fold–"


The punch was thrown lightning faster.

Sparks spluttered. A dying whine filled the air as the innocent drone crashed to the floor. Another shower of sparks. Then silence resumed.

It lasted for a few seconds.

Collective sighs escaped all around.


The front door opened.

"Hoooooome!" a voice broke through making everyone flinch.

Mo jumped from Sahara's lap, seeking shelter in another room as Naomi sprinted into the room. Two Keepers, her escort to get her here from wherever Alegra was, peered in from behind.

Sahara put the glass of liquid down on a hovering table and got to her feet.

"Thank you," she called to the Keepers even as the door slid shut to leave them outside without anyone to invite them in.

"I'm hungry," Naomi announced as she ran to where the twins were still somewhat shellshocked, their eyes glued on the couch beside which the perished drone lay.

Sahara walked over to it, eyes on the lump hiding beneath a blanket.

"Terrell," she spoke, not getting too close as she knew well enough that a hand could grab her if she did. She snatched a pillow and hurled it, hitting the shape. "Get up."

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