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Sister Helley wheeling in a cart into the classroom with a big box covered with a green cloth.

"Sorry im late," she announced to the class and wrote om the chalk bored today's subject " 'Adaptable nature', Ha. Now this spectacular creature is called a Thaumoctupus mimicus,"

She removes the cloth to show and empty tank, well untill a greater arose from the rocks and sand with purple like skin and one big green eye

"Oh my god.. Thats gotta be my pet.." [Y/N]
Whispered to Raúl.

"[Y/N] if i see that in our dorm im kicking you out." He replied

[Y/N] gave the boy a mean look and shook out their tounge at him.

"The mimic octopus." sister helley finished her sentence "Its the only creature that can change its body shape to fool predetors and prey."

She knocks on the glass twice and as if it was trained the octopus changes to look like a fish and even changing its color.

Sister Helley knocks again and Again it changes color and shape to red and white.

And one last time changed into a green snail looking creature.

"That's amazing." Kat says fasinated by the octopus

Sister helley looks at Kat "Now you look like a adaptable girl,"

"Its Kat." She replied in a harsh tone

"Well, come one up, Kat. Get a close-up of the marvelous mollusk."

Kat stands up and is hesitating to go up. Eventually making her way up infront of the class.

"Kay-kay!" The prize poodles say in excitement.
She ignored then and got face to face with the octopus. Then knocked on the glass harshly.

The light in the tank Goes red as the octopus started shape shifting into a fave with two purple eyes with fangs and four tenticals. Kat steps back as the octopus starts banging its head on the glass.

"Oh no." Siobhan Yells as she hides behind her goat.

"What's happening?!" Sweetie exclaims.

Sister Helley's desk starts rattaling and shaking there for Kat went aroud the desk to check it out untill
Electrisity SNAPS and hits Kats hand cause her to be in excusating pain.

Sister Helley grabs Kat by her shoulders and drags her out the room.

[Y/N] sees the octopus in the tank still banging on it and walked over to the tank

"[Y/N] WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Raúl yelled at them

Without saying a word [Y/N] grabs the cloth and cover the tank. And slowly the octopus stoped hitting the glass.

"Alright i think were good" [Y/N] exhaled releifed

Raúl ran over to [Y/N] and hugged them quickly and let go just as fast.

"Next time tell me your plan yeah?"

"No promise" [Y/N] said winking at the boy.

The three prize poodles start speculating what must have happend while Raúl and [Y/N] sat back down. This time [Y/N] sitting infront of Raúl and turned around facing him

"Oh, come on, Siobhan, leave her alone" Raúl complained

"It's her first day seriously leaving her alone before she hurts you." [Y/N] might not known Kat for long but it was crystal clear they would get hurt if they messed with her.

"It's none of your business, Ramona"

[Y/N] slams the wood table making the room silent. Raúl sighs clearly annoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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