Plushies and Texts: Navigating Friendship and Love in Nevermore

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"wake up, Wens," Enid said, trying to shake Wednesday to see a plushie where her roommate would usually be.


Wednesday walked out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel. This was the first time Enid saw her without the braids, and she felt like fainting.

"Enid, you okay?"

She shook her head, trying to get composed, "What is Pickle Sniffle Jr doing in your bed? I thought I was the only one she had sleepovers with?"

"I uh, didn't, um, just because I hate people doesn't mean I don't like sleeping with someone near me."

"Are you talking about me?"

Wednesday got flustered for a moment.

"what do you mean?"

"like do you hate me, I'm people."

"you're the exception Enid, anytime you doubt our relationship remember I started using picture when I text you."

"there called Emojis. I have told you this a thousand times." Enid said, grabbing Wednesday's hand and dragging her to the cafeteria.

She hated physical touch, but every time Enid held her hand, hugged her, or even gave her a punch buggy in the shoulder, she started to want more of it. A simple touch gave her relief instead of crawling out of her skin. Her hand fits in Enid's like a missing puzzle piece, but she doesn't know how to bring it up, one because the girl she likes, likes someone else, and as much as Wednesday loves rejection, she can't take Enid doing it to her. All she can hope for is Ajax to fuck up and, at the same time, not wanting him to so Enid doesn't feel an ounce of sadness.

"Hey Guys," Enid said, letting go of Wednesday as she chatted with Yoko and Bianca.

The Raven sat and watched her friend talk about anything and everything in the short five minutes before class started; she wondered if anyone noticed her staring but did it matter? Would they think she liked the young blonde or Was she plotting her murder? Doesn't matter. People's opinions never mattered to Wednesday, and that has stayed the same with the change in her personality.

On the other side of the cafeteria two people who have turned into great friends already.

"Eugene, I had a lot of fun last night, do you want to go on a walk after school? Doesn't matter where just the two of us so we can talk?" Pugsley said with a smile and a dangerously high heart rate.

"That sounds like fun, but if only I could bring, Stacy?"

"you mean your bee plushie?"

He shook his head

"that's great,"

The bell rang, and the student made it to their designated classes, Wednesday had the same schedule as Enid and tried to sit with her, but Ajax had just beat her to it. So she went to the back of the class and sat at the empty table. The teacher came in holding a girl's arm.

"Welcome back to Nevermore everybody, we have a new student who has joined us today. Can everyone give 'ava' a warm welcome." Everyone said hi as Wednesday drew in her notebook. Before she knew it, someone was sitting next to her.

"How's the new phone treating you?"

Wednesday looked up to see the girl from the phone store staring at her, "I didn't know you were an outcast. You seem to human."

"just because I am human doesn't mean I can't be an outcast." Ava said smiling

"I guess not."

"I'm just kidding, I can read minds."

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