2.The"Just Friends"Phase

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               Sodo just got back to his room after that encounter with swiss.He felt a bit mad but mostly chill about it,he knew that how swiss and him would joke and what not but he still was kind of sensitive to the degrading,he was a prideful and macho guy but he still had feeling,though he'd never dare tell anyone that.Anyways,after a while of kinda just slaying on his bed,thinking,sodo finally drifted off to sleep.

                                                                                   In the morning

              Sodo woke to the sound of knocking repeatingly on his door,they were soft but still loud enough to wake sodo.He groaned,rubbing his eyes,sitting up on his bed,eventually the knocking really started bothering him,so he got up and opened the door,half asleep so he really couldn't process that he was in nothing put sweats and he didn't have his mask on,he long hair all messy."What!?"he hissed lazily with his morning voice,"good morning to you too,Dew"Swiss smiled,Sodo opened his eyes and looked at the tall,completely dressed and prepared ghoul.That's when reality hit him and he remembered he wasn't dressed or anything.Sodos eyes widened,"oh shit-sorry..i guess my alarm didn't do off,"he said,instantly rushing to he bathroom in his room,brushing his hair,quickly and starting to brush his teeth.Swiss giggled,and walked into sodos room,closing the door behind him,slowly making his way to sodos bathroom,"no need to rush,breakfast still isn't till 20 minutes."sodo spat out the tooth paste from inside his mouth"oh..okay then.."sodo relaxed.he washed his face then made his way back into his room,getting his usual thigh pants and boots with the black vest and baggy sleeve shirt they all wore.He put his hands to his sweats' waistband,stopping himself before pulling his pants down,he shot a glare to Swiss who turned to face the wall,"not looking"swiss pointed out."good"sodo commented.After he finished getting dressed,he threw on his mask and followed swiss out of his room and toward the cafeteria,and into the isolated room the ghouls and ghoulettes wound go to eat so no one would have to see them without their masks,even if they had a hole near the mouth,it'd still be more comfortable.they old rules weren't like this before but like said,papa iv was a lot softer than the other papas and was much more considerate.Anyhow,they grabbed their food and went into the ghouls lunchroom where they were greeted by Cirrus and Cumulus who were next to each other,and rain and mountain next to each other on a separate table,"hi Dew,hi swiss!"mountain waved to them."some sit with us!" "sure"swiss answered for the both of them.they went and sat on the bench-table across mountain and rain."wheres aether?"Swiss asked,"oh he was sitting with us but he went to the bathroom he'll be back right now"mountain answered as rain drank some water."anyways,me and Rain were thinking of throwing a sleepover in one of our rooms.It's been too lonely these day and-"Swiss smiled immediately ,realizing mountain was trying to come up with an excuse not to sound childish,"yeah sure we'll-I mean i'll go,what about you,dew?"swiss looked over to sodo,"...sure but if it gets boring im leaving." "it wont i'll guarantee!"a voice from behind him said,it was aether,he sat next to sodo,"Hi there,aeth!"Swiss smiled"Hi swiss"aether smiled back to him."your going too?"sodo asked aether before taking a bit from his food,"yes sir,i think were gonna be throwing the sleepover at mountains room-" "why my room?!" "one"aether continued,"you thought of it and two,because you're a literal giant and your room was literally made for you to fit in it." "..okay that's true.."mountain surrendered."okay,lets meet at hmm say ..midnight so everyone has time to shower and all"mountain insisted,and everyone agreed,after everyone was done eating they wall separated and left to tend to their duties.

                   Eventually lunchtime came around and all the ghouls got their food and met in the lunchroom as did the ghoulettes,they were all girl-talking with mountain until he heard the guys coming,and he sat on the other table,pretending as if he were there the whole time waiting for them,"hey guys!"he called over to swiss and sodo,with rain and aether following behind them.They all sat with mountain and talked a bit,joked a lot and shared opinions on things,mountain was happy he could have gosip chats with the guys too,though of course they weren't exactly like the ones he had with Cirrus,cumulus and sunshine.They all finished and finished up and most of the ghouls walked out except for dew,"hey dew~"sunshine said in a sing song voice"c'mere!" Sodo,a bit confused,went over to the ghoulettes"what's up?"he answered calmly,"so how are you and swiss?"Sodo raised an eyebrow,"what do you mean?""well you two are a thing aren't you?"cumulus asked with a smirk."eww!!"dew exclaimed as if he were a child in the same situation"swiss is just a friend.plus hes so mean to me"sodo explained,"so nothing about him being a guy?"sunshine gasped"sodos a little fruity!"cirrus smiled,"nothing wrong with that though,right girls-" "yeah" "stop! no! I'm not-ugh!"sodo scoffed,leaving the room,leaving the ghoulettes in there to giggle."unbelievable"sodo said to himself,going to tend to his last few tasks.He for some reason couldn't stop thinking about the ghoulettes and what they said.Sure,it may have been nothing but a joke but what if he and swiss really did date,he realized what he was thinking of and stopped himself,blushing slightly without knowing,he cringed a bit at the thought of it and gagged when thinking of dating swiss,he brushed it all away and and decided to head back to his room and get ready to meet the others at midnight.

                      (901 words)

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