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Headcanon #1: During his teenage years, Chuuya would always tease him for being an emo kid

Headcanon #2: He loves to hide Kunikida's notebook

Headcanon #3: He sings Cupcakke in the bathroom while he showers

Headcanon #4: He told Atsushi men could get pregnant but then later got beat up by Kunikida after he saw Atsushi take a pregnancy test.

Headcanon #5: This dude's immortal

Headcanon #6: For a mission he had to go to New York but while he was there he forgot about the whole mission and went back to Yokohama with 38 souvenirs.

 Headcanon #7: This dude loves to breakdance with chuuya 

Headcanon #8: On karaoke night he sang his suicide song and got kicked out  

Headcanon #9: when he runs out of bandages, he uses toilet paper until he gets more

Headcanon #10: every year he's a mummy for halloween

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