Parent's day and Summit Meeting

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Raven's pov

I walk onto campus seeing parents here as Grayfia rubs my head motherly as I head into Hell itself to brave this day as I'm a model student with me taking notes until we get a brink or clay infront of us and I raise my hand

Grayfia: Yes?

Raven: You know how difficult it is to get dressed or bathe? You put clay infront of me.

Grayfia: I believe in you my son... create something the best you can.

I start working with my eyes shut before opening revealing the day I met Grayfia with me staring down at her in a weakened state

Xenovia: Raven that impressive!

Grayfia: I agree but why do I have wings?

Raven: Mother's are devils in the world with teenagers!

Grayfia: That we are but your grounded!

Class continues before it ends and I'm nibbling on lizard jerky in the Gymnasium as Serafall arrives bringing a show as I get infront of her looking angry

Raven: Leave this is a school not a free show!

They leave as I'm someone not to be messed with before Saji comes in seeing me dealing with it before turning to the Devil King and chops her head with my Nasod arm as she recoils rubbing her head

Serafall: Owie Rae... that hurt!

Raven: Serafall why are you here?

Saji: You know her?

Raven: Yes... So you came to see your sister Sona?

Serafall: And you!

Raven: Look presentable your Devil King Leviathan!

Serafall: I don't want to!

I chop her head again as she has a bump on her head with tears as Sona comes in with Grayfia and Rias

Sona: What going on here?

I lift up Serafall with my right hand by the back of her attire and head to Sona who embarrassed

Serafall: Rae you meanie!

Raven: And your childish!

Sona: Raven your a reincarnated devil and your manhandling my sister?

Serafall: Wait what!?

Grayfia: Lady Leviathan he my Queen!

Raven: And as to why I'm scolding her is cause we met already and last time resulting in her getting punched.

Rias: I'm not surprised anymore... just inform us if history coming up!

I drop her before walking off as I head to join everyone inside as Sirzech with my parents as I approach him

Raven: Hey Zechs!

They look at me casually approaching as my parents look at me that I look better with my arm and hair

SirZech: Raven you look different?

Raven: That because I advance my horizon with my skills!

Mom: Raven where your mom?

Grayfia hugs me from behind as I roll my eyes and we end up staying at my old home as mom see I'm outside my old room looking into it seeing it the same as how I left it

Mom: This room was my other son... I hoped that he still alive and come home.

I enter as she see me open a secret compartment revealing yen I saved as I look at her

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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