Chapter Nineteen: A Shocking Secret (Part Three)

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*Take note that the following chapters may contain flashback scenes here and there. Just for you guys not to be confused, all flashback scenes will be written in italics and everyday scenes will be written in the standard font. Also, certain characters' thoughts will be written in italics. Thank you :)


"Stop it, Putr! You are not just a mere human nor are you a Sut!!! You... You are my son! You are Suryaputr Karn!" Suryadev said and Karn looked at him shocked. He can't believe what he just heard. He is Suryadev's son?!

"What are you saying, Bhagwan? How can I be your son?" Karn asked and Suryadev sighed.

"I am telling you the truth, Putr. You are my son!" Suryadev said and Karn internally rolled his eyes.

"Bhagwan... You already said that I am your son, and you don't have to repeat it. The first time you said it, it is still ringing in my ears. What I am asking you is... What is my birth secret, Bhagwan?" Karn asked and Suryadev looked at his son with annoyance.

"What type of a person are you?! I am here telling you that I am your father with so much love and affection and you are not even bothered by it," he huffed in anger and Karn looked at him bewildered. He can't believe that he just saw a god pout. That is definitely a first! Karn sighed and decided to play nice.

"Please forgive me, Bhagwan. I definitely am touched by your love and affection and so sorry for not appreciating it," Karn said with a huge smile and Suryadev felt happy and also gave a big smile. Karn felt like laughing out loud but decided to control himself feeling that it won't be suitable for the current situation.

"Now, I am happy! And first of all, stop calling me Bhagwan and all. Call me Pitashree. I have wanted to hear that word from you for so many years!" Suryadev said as tears started to fill his eyes a bit. 

"Okay, but before that please tell me the secret behind my birth!" Karn asked and Suryadev started to narrate the story.

"I am not going to reveal her name but I can tell you that she is of royal blood. She was thirteen years old when she served Maharishi Durvasa and after being satisfied with her service, he gave her a boon. With the boon, she will be able to evoke any god as per her wish and will be able to get a child. The child will be a demigod and will possess the qualities of the spiritual father," Suryadev said and Karn nodded at him to continue.

"She being a curious person, decided to test out the Mantra without thinking of the consequences. She chanted the mantra thinking of me and I appeared in front of her. As per the rule, I am supposed to give her a child but she declined saying that she was just curious to see if the Mantra but I had to do what I was supposed to do and gave her a child... And that is you!" Suryadev said and Karn looked at him with fisted hands.

"And what did she do afterwards? Can you get to the main part already?" Karn asked and Suryadev rolled his eyes.

"I don't wish to say whatever she did... I will show it to you instead!" Suryadev said and asked Karn to close his eyes. Karn follow his instructions and soon a vision appeared.


23 years ago (Vision)

"Then, you shall bear the consequences for your mistake, Kunti! You will for sure beget a son from me," he said glaring at Kunti.

"What about my reputation?! I am a princess of a kingdom. If I get a son out of wedlock, what will society say about my father and me?! Please show me some mercy! Maybe, the child that you are supposed to give me now, you can give to me once I am married! Don't ruin my life for just a small mistake I made," Kunti screamed as she fell to her knees crying her lungs out. Suryadev's anger was rising minute by minute.

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