"What should we do…?" Sheridan whimpered, looking at her master with a worried expression, she didn't seem to be caring about the fact that if the frost managed to climb onto her, she would be dead in a matter of minutes if not quickly treated.

Rhys was more worried about his 'friend'. "...We need to call someone that can match his strength."

"Her Majesty Asmodeus, we need to get her here." Sheridan turned towards the rubble where the downward stairs were buried, she swiftly grabbed Rhys' hand and pulled him over, struggling slightly due to their injuries.

When they were standing in front of the large pile of debris, they began to look for any way they could break through or enter through some gaps, however after only five minutes of searching, they realized that Theodore's icy aura was starting to creep towards them, frost snaking on the ground as if looking for something to lash on to.

It seemed that all hope was lost for the two of them, their only solution now was to run away while they still could and let Theodore handle his grief by himself.

Sheridan didn't exactly liked that thought, like the other Ragerains, she worshipped only the strong, and her loyalty towards her king wasn't going to be discarded simply out of the fear of death.

"Your Majesty!" She tried screaming again and again, though her attempts her in vain as the aura's strength didn't lessen one bit.

But it seemed that luck was still on their side.

Suddenly, the debris was kicked away by a mysterious force. Sheridan and Rhys moved out of the way just in time before anything managed to hit them, and as they look towards the now-opened area, they saw another demon standing by the stairs.

Sheridan's expression brightened in almost an instant. "Lady Asmodeus!"

"Hm? Oh, Sheridan, what's going on here?" Asmodeus looked around, her eyes jumping all over the place as she turned to inspect her messy surroundings.

It didn’t take long for her to notice Theodore standing in the middle of all the chaos.

"We were under attack!" Sheridan began to hastily explain, wincing slightly due to the growing pain in her wounds. "...And His Majesty's father was—"

Asmodeus didn't wait for her to finish speaking, she could already see Lawrence's corpse on the bloody ground while Theodore blankly stared at him, it was as if something had taken his soul away too.

She slowly moved towards him, ignoring the frost that began to crawl onto her skin, she didn't have much issue moving through the powerful aura as she matched it with her own, allowing her to enter as safely as she could.

Sheridan and Rhys watched in silence as Asmodeus managed to reach Theodore at the center of the storm, but by then the thick dark smog had obstructed their view until they couldn't see anything at all.

Asmodeus pursed her lips and carefully wrapped her arms around Theodore's shoulders, pulling him closer until she could cup the back of his head in her hand.

Due to the sudden movement, Theodore's eyes snapped onto Asmodeus, who was looking down at him with an expression filled with sorrow and pity.

"...I'm sorry, I wasn't here to help him."

"..." Theodore slowly stood up straight, although he didn't remove Asmodeus' hands from him. "I…You did nothing wrong."

His words seemed to be directed at Lawrence rather than Asmodeus though, but Theodore's conscious focus on the real world allowed him to take control of his emotion-ridden aura and it didn't take long until the dark storm subsided, leaving behind only some frost that'd already started to melt.

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