Alex screamed in horror at the sight of blood splattering out of the gaping wound and he tried to run away, however Lira was several hundred times faster than a mere support mage and soon he would be killed just like Sara, back drenched in blood as a wide, vertical wound ran down his spine.

Theodore was planning on killing them either way, so he used this as an opportunity to test out his theory. His eyes fixated on the two dead bodies while ignoring whatever was happening all around him, even Lira was ignoring his presence and headed straight towards Miles, who was now forced to fight as well.

‘…So I am right.’ Theodore watched as suddenly the once lifeless bodies twitched and turned in horrifying angles, as if they were all being possessed by a demon, Sara was the first to rise from the bloody floor followed by Alex who instantly began casting a weird spell, muttering the incantation to himself in a rough voice.

Theodore couldn’t recognize the spell, it wasn’t something he’d seen or heard of before so he began to worry about it a little, however he did feel a sense of familiarity in the aura that Alex’s magic was radiating.

‘Demon Arts.’

Still, he didn’t know what sort of spell Alex was trying to cast so he could only watch while keeping his eyes on what Sara would do.

And unexpectedly for a mage, she charged at him while screaming like a barking rabid dog. Theodore was wondering what her or whatever had taken her body’s end goal was but for now he simply edged to the side and dodged her grasp.

But when he turned around to face Sara, he was met with a blast of fire straight to the face, followed by a string of notifications that rang out inside his head.

[You’ve been hit with an Advance Spell ‘???’.]

[You’ve been inflicted with the Status Condition ‘Burn’.]

[You’ve been inflicted with the Status Condition ‘Corrosion’.]

[Warning! You do not have any resistance to Status Conditions!]

[The Personal Attribute ‘Scales of the Serpent’ is trying to dispel the debuff!]

[The Skill ‘Asclepius’ Secret’ is working on a cure! It’ll approximately take three minutes.]

Pain coursed through his entire body, the feeling of something hot tracing against his skin made the corrosion even more painful to endure. However, Theodore gritted his teeth through it and casted a spell.

Instantly, an ice spike shot forward from the ground where a magic circle had appeared and impaled Sara, she was somehow still squirming around in an attempt to break free while having her lungs pierced, though with the frostbites spreading and locking her to the spear, she would soon be left to die from hypothermia.

Theodore turned his attention towards his friends, it seemed that they were now working together to take care of each of their enemies, Eugene often following up Merlin’s arrows when Brendon came to block his attack while trying his best to fulfill his role as a semi-tanker.

Lira had gone back to attacking them as well, though more specifically, she was focusing on Miles. Theodore could only assume that she wanted to convert the last person into that state as well.

‘…Should I wipe them out? What if it’s a trap?’

Even True Dragon Eyes couldn’t see the information on what these crazy people had been inflicted with, it was practically something out of a horror movie since they’d somehow risen from the dead and were now acting like possessed maniacs.

Not to mention that they’d gotten stronger in the process too.

‘If it’s something that can’t be revealed by True Dragon Eyes…’ Theodore watched Eugene finally gaining the upper hand on the tiger and brought his axe down onto its neck, decapitating him, however even without his head, Derek was somehow still moving and continued to attack with his claws while blood gushed out of the wound. ‘…Does that mean that even the mysterious god doesn’t even know what this is?’

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