Dear Diary,...

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...what is a 'cheeseburger'?
Today I prepared food for Shizun. He looked very beautiful today. I wanted to give him something special today, because it's the anniversary of the day he took me in as a desciple, so I asked him what he wanted. He replied that he would like to have a 'cheeseburger'. I'm sorry, don't know how to write it properly. I didn't know what it was, so I asked him and he just pretended he never said that and had said cogneé instead. Maybe I misheard? Shizun meditating?
Today I wanted to ask Shizun a question about calligraphy, but Shizun didn't seem to hear me. He sat on his couch, so I don't think he was meditating. At some point he opened his eyes and pretended nothing was wrong. He is strange sometimes, but I don't know much about what immortals do. Maybe I'm just too young to understand.

...what is Shizun seeing?
Today Shizun was very nice to me. He explained to me how to do that one fighting stance again. He eas very patient. He yelled a little though... But I don't mind that. His voice is just so beautiful. While he was explaining he suddenly fell silent and looked into the air beside himself. I looked there too, but there was nothing. After a few moments he looked back at me and continued speaking. Have I just imagined this? He didn't act as if anything was wrong or if he had just stopped talking. He is quite mysterious sometimes.

...Shizun is very smart.
I changed Shizun's bedsheets today. While I was doing that, Shizun was at his desk. He was reading the Dao De Jing, looking very interested. I have tried reading that book before, but it's hard to understand. At some point Shizun started laughing. Was the book funny? I should probably try reading it again, but I think I'm not smart enough to understand it. Shizun is just so much smarter than I am...
After I was done, I took his bedsheets to my room. They smelled so good, I couldn't just wash them. I hope Shizun won't find out.

...what does 'fuck' mean?
Today Shizun accidentally hurt himself. He yelled a word I didn't understand. That has happened before. Does Shizun know another language? He sometimes uses words that I don't understand and that don't sound like Chinese. I already knew Shizun was very smart, but I didn't know that he was this smart. But really, what does 'fuck' mean?

...Shizun likes music.
Today I was cleaning the house and I heard humming from Shizun's room. I walked to the door to listen and I recognized Shizun's voice. He was humming a melody I didn't recognize. The style seemed a bit odd. The melody was pretty fast, unlike the songs we have to play. I didn't like the melody, but in Shizun's voice anything sounds awesome. I kept standing there a very long time, but after some time Shizun must have come to the door and opened it. My face was pretty red so I started running. Shizun grabbed me by the back of my collar and I got scolded not to stand in front of doors to eavesdrop. I had to go outside and run three rounds around the peak after cleaning. Even at such a point, Shizun still wants to help me become stronger. He is just the best teacher. did Shizun know that.
Sometimes Shizun seems to know things that hardly anyone knows. When I ask him about he says he read it and that the library we have in not just decoration. I thought I had read every book already. Maybe I forgot one... Today too, Shizun knew something. But this time it was something that was going to happen that he knew. Maybe Shizun is able to see the future.

...what is Shizun searching for?
I was in calligraphy class today. I don't like writing that much, but at least I can look at Shizun when I'm done writing. Shizun looked a little bored today. He was looking through his robes, feeling along his back and thighs with a confused look. At some point he paused and looked annoyed. When I asked him what he was searching for later, he said  'my pho- I mean...see. Do you see this? You made a mistake there.' I didn't find the mistake he pointed out, but when I looked up from my paper again, Shizun had already left. What did he search for now? Maybe I could have helped him, but he seemed not willing to tell me.

A/N: I struggled a but finding a word similar to Dian Hua (meaning phone) and just settled on taking Jian (to see). I was thinking about Tian (Heaven), but couldn't find a sentence in which this would've made sense.

...I think I need to learn more.
Today I asked Shizun a question. He didn't know the answer. That was odd. Normally Shizun knows everything. He said though, that he would look it up. He didn't go to the library however, and again patted around his robes. When I asked him if he wasn't going to find a book he said he would 'google it'. What is a 'google'? I think there is much I need to learn. Shizun knows so much and I'm always confused. I want to make Shizun proud, but I'm always asking him things. And I always mess up fighting techniques. I hope that one day I will be smart enough, and strong enough, to protect Shizun. I don't want him to always protect me and hurt himself. Is that understandable?

...why is Shizun so sad?
Sorry that I write so late. Yesterday it was too late and I didn't have time to write. Yesterday I came back from my mission. Shizun seemed happy to see me. He looked at me a lot, but I shouldn't dwell on delusions. He looked a little sad when I served him tea, but I didn't ask. He asked me to make a list of participants for the Immortal Alliance Conference that's about to be held. He asked me again if I wanted to become strong and I said yes. I want to become strong to help Shizun. To protect the one I love. Maybe he will stop looking so sad when I can finally become stronger


"Binghe, what is this?", Shen Qingqiu asked, picking up a small book. They had come to Cang Qiong Mountain to get a few things to bring to their home and Shen Qingqiu had found the small book. He had looked through the pages and it appeared to be handwritten by Luo Binghe.

"Nothing!", Luo Binghe said quickly and snatched the diary from Shen Qingqiu's hand, before the other could read anything.

Shen Qingqiu laughed as Luo Binghe stuffed the book into his sleeve, unbeknownst that within the sleeve there was a second little book, more worn down and thicker, full of perfectly written characters.

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