"Real!" Quil declared with a mouthful of food.

"Mmm. Definitely real," Embry agreed, stuffing his own face with potato chips.

"What?!" Jacob exclaimed in disbelief, "You guys believe in aliens?"

"Umm you don't?" Embry retorted.

"Aliens are totally a hoax," Jacob argued, "Back me up, Brina."

"Oh yeah, aliens are so not real," Sabrina agreed, cheeks stuffed with junk food.

"What?!" Embry exclaimed, "So you're telling me, you think ghosts are real but not aliens?"

"Yup," She confirmed, popping the p sound as she tossed some MnMs straight into Quil's mouth.

"You believe in ghosts?" Jacob asked.

"Umm... duh," she said as though it were obvious, eyeing the slightly translucent form of her dead brother who sat in the corner of the room with his arms crossed, completely bored by the conversation, "Cause unlike aliens, they're real."

Jacob laughed incredulously.

"That's like saying you believe in Big Foot— You don't believe in Big Foot, do you?" Embry asked, almost afraid she'd say yes.

Sabrina rolled her eyes, munching down on more chips she'd fished out of the bag.

"Oh, come on. I'm open-minded not crazy, Em," she deadpanned.

"What about mermaids?" Quil asked, fascinated by the thought.

Sabrina pondered for a moment.

"I guess it's possible," she answered.

Quil smiled dreamily, "That would be so cool."

"Right," Sabrina agreed with a grin.

"Wait, wait, wait," Embry interrupted, trying to wrap his head around this, "So The Little Mermaid can be real but aliens are baloney?"

"Exactly," she stated with a firm nod.

"Jacob! Do you really have nothing to say about this?!"

Jacob stifled his laughter as he and Sabrina shared a look of amusement.

"Okay, okay," he started, "As a Quileute, if there are men that can turn into wolves then I don't see why there can't be mermaids," he said.

"Ha!" Sabrina exclaimed gleefully, "See! That's why we're best friends!"

"But..." he added, "As a rational human being... I'm gonna have to side with Embry on this one. Aliens are way more plausible than mermaids."

Sabrina's jaw dropped, a feigned look of betrayal plastering onto her face. She gasped dramatically.

"How dare you!" She cried, "That's it! I'm disowning you two. Quil's my officially favourite now!"

"Yesss!" Quil cheered, high-fiving Sabrina before something dawned on him, "Wait, what you mean 'now'?" He asked.

"Don't take it personally," she assured him, "I just never choose favourites... but these two heathens have forced my hand!"

"Whatever, you love us," Jacob said giving her an eye roll and a nudge.

Sabrina let out an exasperated huff, falling back into her corner of the couch, crossing her arms over her chest and trying to cover up the growing blush on her face with her hair.

"Fine, believe what you want but don't come crying to me when you're getting haunted by someone," she stated, "Except you, Quil," she added with a smile in the boy's direction.

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