Chapter 6

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After Dew left, I did not even have the appetite to eat. I looked at the arranged table, 'Dew really knows me.'
Though the food is all my favourites, I can't eat it. True  that I am not even mad with Dew with all the secrets and lies. Upset might be but Dew has been a part of my life which understands me during the vulnerable times. During the time that I decided to let go of Ohm, to leave him since I was tired being in a one-sided love. I opened the cabinet to try to find any alcohol I found none. Even opened the ref to check but found none as well. Dew must have thrown out the last alcohol that I bought. He does not want me to drink. But right now with all the things I found out I badly needed a drink. I grabbed my phone and contacted Wai.
"Hey, bro want to grab a drink? I really want someone to talk to."
"Ok, I heard some news from Drake. He said Ohm is back."
"Same place dude just be there. A lot of things happened and I badly needed your advice."
"Okay, okay see you in 20 minutes. Bye."
I grabbed my keys and went to the pub near our building. I decided that I will get drunk tonight. I really don't know what is bothering me right now. The fact that Dew lied to me or Ohm came back and he love. I arrived before Wai since their place is three blocks away from this place mine is just a block away. This is our favourite space since near both of our places and does not need to drive even if we were to thrash after drinking too much. I ordered the usual while waiting for Wai. I kept on thinking about what Dew said that Ohm loved me and he came looking for me. That he met an accident because he was looking for me. If I did not leave that time and just wait for Ohm he should have almost lost his life just to find me. God I would not know what I will be if he died and I knew this after. I might be able to forgive myself. I browse the secret folder in my gallery that I have not opened for years now. All the pictures of Ohm and our pictures as well. I did not have the courage to delete all those. He makes me sane. He makes me happy. Loving him in silence.
"Dude, why the long face."
"You just don't know what I have been thru today."
"Meeting Ohm, Breakup with Dew,  and Ohm had an accident because he kept looking for me when I left and he loves me."
"Wait what you broken up with Dew."
"Actually it is the other way around. He broke it up with me. He was sent by Ohm to look for me when he had an accident. He lied to me for years and he choose to stay and be with his family."
"Are you okay Non. In just one day seems every thing explode in your face."
"I don't know dude. I am not mad about Dew but I'm kinda confuse about the things I knew about Ohm."
"What about it."
"You know how I love Ohm right?"
"Uhuhhh until now you still love the guy I know."
"Right you know me... Yesterday when I met him every feeling that I have been keeping bottled up kept rushing out when he hugged me. Specially when I knew that he loves as well. The thing that I have been waiting for years to happen. He loves me Wai. My Ohm loves me."
"So what is your plan now? Are you giving him a chance.?"
"The question is he for real. I might fall into another trap that will end up breaking my heart again. You know it took me years before I mended this heart."
"Well I have a suggestion to you dude."
"Well I am all ears. I told you I need your guidance."
"The plan is you make him chaste you. You can flirt but do not say yes not until he satisfy what you have been looking or waiting from him. Do you get me."
"I think I know exactly you always have the greatest idea."
"So let us drink to that."
We stayed for another hour before Drake came to fetch Wai.
"You guys go ahead I will just finish this and I will be off as well."
"You take care okay."
After I paid my tab, I walked home and  when I reached my door, I saw Him waiting for me.
"Why are you here? And how did you find where I leave?"
"I asked Dew then I brought you coffee Drake said you and Wai were drinking."
"What are these, what with the flowers?"
"Non can we talk inside."
I opened the door and let him in. I went straight to the kitchen to drink water.
"Do you want anything. I don't have alcohol here Dew throw it all."
"No it's fine."
I went to the living room and sat on the sofa where he is sitting. 'To be honest I wanted to hug him.'
Ohm held my hand.
"Non, I missed you so much. I hope we can start again. I know it is my fault for not telling or showing you how much I love and value you.  If only I showed you every chance like you hold entirely my life. When you left me I lost life since the reason of my existence left me. Then when you cut all communications and blocked me I lost my sanity that time. No one wanted to help me, to tell me where you are. I even hired PIs to look for you. When I get clues or news you were seen in a place I came running to see you but I always missed you. The night I met the accident I was not sleeping for days since I can't afford on another day without you. So when they told me that you were in Changmai. I went out to go the airport  it since I am really tired I kinda doze off but when I saw the truck I swerved to the other aside but hit the tree. I was in a coma for over a month then when I regained consciousness they said I only have 40% chance of being able to walk again."
I was crying now and squeeze Ohm's hand.
"I worked my ass off to help myself to heal myself and be able to walk again. While I am trying to regain my strength I asked Dew to look for you but sad thing is he fell for you. Who wouldn't right? But those are past now baby. Non, please give me another chance to prove to you how much I love you."
Ohm kissed my hands. 'I still love my Ohm who am I kidding right. But i w.ant the chase. I waited a lifetime for this.'
"Okay I'm giving you a chance prove to me all this. But mind you I'm hard to please."
I saw my Ohm smile while crying. "Thank you, thank you. I love you so much. Thank you for this chance. I will wait until you are ready again to accept me baby."
"Not your baby yet."


The one that got awayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن