chapter 6

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*she walks out of the bathroom *

Bela:wow lex you look hot

Alexa:thanks Bela

Alexa:Leighton what do you think?

Leighton POVS:

I was on my phone waiting for Alexa to get out of the bathroom and when she finally came out she look perfect. the pink dress fit all of her curves so perfectly.I couldn't help but stare at her.she was absolutely beautiful.

Alexa:Leighton? *she snaps her fingers in front of Leighton face*


Alexa:how do I look?

Leighton:you look good

Alexa's Povs:

I came out of the bathroom in a pink dress and Bela said I looked hot.but when I asked Leighton she said I looked good which makes me think she not into girls or maybe she just not into me. I don't know. Maybe I should just stop thinking about it and have fun.

Bela:lex let's go

Alexa:*comes back to reality * ok coming

*they leave to the party and walk in*

Bela:were finally here

Alexa:yeah I need a drink

*Leighton laughs*

??:hey Leighton

*the three girls turn around*

Leighton:oh hey nico

*she hugs him*

Leighton:guys this is my brother

Alexa:hi im Alexa

Bela:and im Bela

Nico:nice to meet you both

Bela:* Whispers to Alexa* His hot

*Alexa laughs*

Leighton:why are you laughing?

Nico:well Leighton im going to mingle bye

Leighton:bye nico

Leighton:lex why were you laughing?

Alexa:Bela has the hots for your brother


Leighton:that gross

Bela:gross he's hot.what do think lex

Alexa:I think his not my type cause hes a guy

Bela:I meant If your were in to guys would you date him

Alexa:I mean Probably not hes not my type

Bela:whatever I think his hot.I mean did you see his abs

Leighton:can you stop talking about my brother like that.before I throw up

Alexa:yeah let's get a drink

*they get their drink and sit in some chairs*

Alexa:so yall see any hotties

Bela:yeah a few including Leighton brother

Leighton:eww and no I don't see any body

Bela:so Leighton what your type?

Alexa:yeah what's your type

Leighton:I really don't have a type

Alexa:c'mon you have to have a type.everyone has a type

Leighton:I don't.

Alexa:ok whatever you say

Bela:I bet she does

Leighton:I don't

*they all laugh*

Jade:hey Beautiful

*Alexa Continues talking not knowing this person is talking to her*

Bela:lex she talking to you

Alexa:really *she turns toward the girl*

Alexa:I'm sorry hi

Jade:I'm jade nice to meet you

Alexa:Alexa but you can me lex

Bela:what happened to only your friends can call you lex?


*Bela laughs *

Jade:so lex do you wanna dance with me

Alexa:yes I would love to.Gorgeous

*Alexa leaves with jade*

Bela:wow she dancing she hates dancing she must like that girl

Leighton:uh huh

Bela:Leighton you ok?

Leighton*not taking her eyes off of alexa*Yeah I'm fine Bela

Bela:well is it ok if I go mingle I see some hotties over there

Leighton:sure go ahead

Bela:are you sure

Leighton:yeah I'll be fine

*she watches as Alexa and jade dance so close together*

Leighton POVS:
"This random girl at the party started talking to I jealous? Yes it make me mad to see her and that girl so close together.and I wish it was me instead of the random girl.i want to be dancing with Alexa.

*Leighton takes a drink of her drink then alexa starts to come back to get another drink*

Alexa:hey Leight

Leighton:hey lex

Alexa:you ok

Leighton:I'm fine any of the theta being assholes yet

Alexa:not yet the girl I'm dancing with is pretty nice but she not really my type

*Leighton smiles a little when she hears Alexa say this*

Alexa:so maybe I can hangout with you instead?

Leighton:sure lex

Alexa:lemme guess Bela went to talk to guys


Alexa:God she so crazy

*they both laugh*

Guy:excuse me you wanna dance

Alexa:Leight his talking to you

Leighton:oh no sorry

Guy:why not

Leighton:I'm not in the mood sorry

Guy:c'mon it will be fun

*he puts his hand on her waist *

Leighton:will you back up please im not interested

Guy:c'mon your very pretty

Alexa: dude.she said she not Interested back up

Guy:or what you fucking dyke 

Alexa:what the hell did you just call me

guy:what are you going to about it.

Alexa:you'll see

College Roommate- Leighton Murray Where stories live. Discover now