chapter 4

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   *they both go to the room and lay

                  Leighton POVS

"after bela and whitney left. me and Alexa start to ask each other random questions we didn't ask  difficult or personal questions at first. but then I asked when she knew she liked girls.why would I ask her that?Does she know I think i might like girls?am I even into girls? Do I find Alexa attractive? And if i do what if   she doesn't like me like that. or  she just likes me as a friend/roomate.she did say she preferred blondes over all the others but that doesn't mean she likes me theres like 1000 blondes on the campus.fuck this is so confusing"

                      Alexa POVS

"Me and Leighton started asking  each other questions and then she asked me when I knew I liked girl does that mean something?and then i told her i preferred blondes i mean i do but did she know i meant her ?she so confusing. if she was into girls I wouldn't know because she doesn't give any sign of it .shit what if I fell for another straight Girl. I hate not knowing  if a girl Is into girls or not maybe ill just try to forget about it"

*they both got lost in thought and eventually fall asleep *

                   *the next day*

Bela:guys wake up

*she come in the room screaming and jumps on Alexa's bed*

Alexa:bela what the hell

Leighton:what's going  on

Bela:theta is throw a welcome party today and we don't have class for like a few more days so we're going

Leighton:ooh  my brother nico told Me about the party it going to be awesome im in.


Alexa:bela you know I don't do party
Plus theta are assholes no offense Leighton

Leighton:none taken they can be assholes but their parties are always fun.

Bela:yeah c'mon lex.where in college now we need to have when the last time you hooked up with a girl?

Alexa:bela we are not going to talk about who I sleep or slept with.

Bela:Yeah because you haven't slept with any one since Madison right?

Alexa:yeah i know know what?I'm going and I'm going have fun and not think about Madison.

Bela:you go girl .now go get ready we are going for coffee

*Alexa goes to the bathroom to get ready and bela is about to leave the room but Leighton stops her*

Leighton:bela wait

Bela:what's up Leighton

Leighton:whos Madison?and why did Alexa look so sad when you said her name

Bela:I'm sorry Leighton it's not my place to tell you. trying asking lex

Leighton:it's ok thanks I'll try and ask her.

Bela:ok wanna come for coffee with us


*bela leaves and Alexa comes out of the bathroom dressed*

Alexa:bathrooms all your *she says finishing up her makeup *

Leighton:lex can I ask you something

Alexa:sure anything

Leighton:who's Madison?


Leighton:you know what forget I asked it's not my business

Alexa:no its ok your my friend and it's good to talk about.

Leighton:I just don't want you to feel pressured to tell me.

Alexa:no I don't feel pressured I wanna tell you

Leighton:ok im listening when every your ready

*Alexa looks in Leightons eyes they look gentle and caring*

Alexa:ok so Madison is my ex girlfriend and we broke up because she cheated on me with my one of my close friends. And the way I found out about it was because i went to her dorm to surprise her with the birthday present i bought her.then when I confronted her about cheating on me she said that she never loved me ,never cared about me, and that she has been cheating on me  for  years.

Leighton:oh lex I'm so sorry

Alexa:it's ok it's not your  fault and  im over it now anyways

Leighton:are you lex?it's ok not to be

Alexa:I'm fine ok!let's just forget about it damn

Leighton:ok im sorry

*she starts to leave*

Alexa:wait Leighton I'm sorry I didnt mean to yell.she just brings out the worst in me.

Leighton:it's ok lex.i know but just know I'm here if you ever need to talk

Alexa:thanks Leight

Leighton:no problem

*they hug*


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