~The Plan~

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Today was the day. You were shaking, nervous, and jittery. But so was everyone else.

Newt held your hand through breakfast, and Thomas had kissed you goodbye before he got into one of the cars Jorge had repaired. It was longing and loving, in case it was your last. And by the time you had piled into the other car, you were a mess.

"It's okay, it's going to go as planned," you kept telling yourself, over and over. And Newt would squeeze your hand each time. Multiple times people had asked if you were okay today. Because this was your plan, it had to go perfectly. Everyone else helped with the details but in the long run you had generated most of it.

You didn't have time anymore, and the plan needed to be put into action.

Before the train could whisk away the people you grew to love and care about. You had to get them off of there.

So the plan you had formulated. Get Minho off the train. How did you know about the trains? Well, your dad had possibly mentioned it in the brief time you spent with him. Oops.

You were put on ground duty, hid behind an outcrop of sandy rocks. You crouched behind Newt, waiting for further instructions. There were at least 5 of you there. More we're waiting elsewhere. Thomas and Vince were in one car and would follow the train to your location before stopping the car you needed. Brenda and Jorge were in the other car waiting for the first car to show up.

The two unsuspecting conductors of the train were not ready for it when the first shot went through the glass beside them. You were crouched behind a rock with Newt, waiting for Thomas' whistle.

You saw a berg fly out of the sky and did a small fist pump when Thomas and Vince made it safely onto the back of the train. The plan was set in motion. Every single aspect had been covered, to where the berg was supposed to land and how you would open the train doors to get Minho out. You just needed to figure out what train car he was in.

After a pause where Vince and Thomas blew up the train car connector, and you watched with anticipation for the final blow. The train separated in half, screeching to a halt, and the WCKD soldiers were left on the front half.

Thomas jumped down and whistled. That was your cue.

Newt and you ran out from behind the cover and put on goggles. In the minimal time you had spent at the old WCKD base, Jorge had taught you and Newt what you needed to learn for this mission. How to cut metal with heat basically. It was really cool.

It streamlined your plan by a lot too so you didn't have to pick up the heavy metal train car along with the box of kids.

Thomas banged on each train car calling out for Minho. You heard tons of screams and shouts for help but above all, Minho.

You and Newt worked fast to melt the securing metal pieces. Then, Thomas, Newt, and you climbed the train car. Now, through all of that Brenda and Jorge had been hijacking the berg. Everything was good and orderly as you had been meticulously planning.

Jorge flew the berg over and steadily lowered a hook to pick up the car. You hooked it to the berg and Vince climbed on at the last second, keeping the WCKD soldiers away until you flew off with your prize.

After making it safely back to the base, you opened the box and inspected the kids inside. Thomas went in first, glancing around feverishly. You saw the mousy boy that had rescued you back before you had gone out into the scorch.

"Aris!" you yelled and everyone turned to see him. He looked a little worse for wear but otherwise intact besides some emotional damage that WCKD somehow always managed to give kids.

Thomas looked around more and so did you before realizing he wasn't there. You had strategized and built this plan for months and then executed it perfectly except for the fact that you hadn't saved Minho from WCKD's clutches.

You knew that they knew you wouldn't leave without him. So most likely, they'd expect another ambush or you going to save him. Even if he had made it to wherever they were taking all these kids.

Most were around your age, and you helped unhook all of them from their cuffs, apologizing each time for the horrible things they had to go through and hugging them before they got off the train. One boy in particular collapsed into a sobbing mess in your arms after you had unhooked him. He cried so loudly you wondered what could have possibly caused him to be this heartbroken.

"They took them all," he whispered as he wiped his eyes when he was done crying. You looked into his eyes with sadness.

"We'll find them," you told him. When you went back for Minho you would find them.

It didn't seem too big of a task at the time, but later it would be daunting.

"Thank you," he sobbed once more, clutching you tighter than the last hug. You let him grieve for a while and when he was done he held your hand a bit and you squeezed back in reassurance.

He seemed to be doing better after that. You checked on him as Vince gave his speech to the kids. Thomas stood beside you with his arms folded across his chest.

"I can't believe we didn't get to him," he murmured. And the best you could do was squeeze his hand a bit in reassurance as you had done for the other boy. Newt stood by the docks as well, Vince giving a run-down.

He watched as you squeezed Thomas's hand before turning and waking into the building. You had a weird look plastered on your face that he couldn't quite decipher.

It was almost like the collective torture from WCKD had brought the kids together because they quickly found friends and similarities. You talked to the boy again, and a group of girls that seemed to be pretty happy about having escaped. You were glad that they were at least smiling.

After a while you sighed. Aris was doing good, well... better. His friend helped clean his wounds and Thomas had gone to talk to him about where they were taking that train.

You sat on the end of the dock, longing it to become the fresh grass of the Glade or the smooth stone of a far off land. But instead when you looked into the water, all you saw was a gray-brown sky and your disheveled figure. You gazed at your reflection for a bit as you let a few tears slide down your cheeks. They created ripples in the water and you clutched your knees to your chest as you wished for a miracle.

You heard light footsteps approach from behind you, the old wooden boards creaking with each overly-cautious step.

"Newt," you said blandly.

"Y/N, he called.

You felt his presence behind you and then with a heaving sigh he sat down by your side. He slipped off his shoes and let his feet dangle above the water before dipping them in.

His face scrunched up as you let out a snort when he realized the water was freezing.

"How are you doing?" Newt asked softly. He looked at you with questioning eyes. They were so mysteriously brown, and the little magic you had seen the first day in the maze was still there somehow.

"Drowning in my thoughts? Disappointed? Happy? Confused? I'm not sure but... better now that you're here," you admitted. Newt chuckled softly at your mess of a response.

"That's alright, love," he assured. He had always been good at letting you know it was okay. The splinters beneath your fingers dug into your hands and then everything seemed to make sense again.

"We have to go back."

"What?!" Newt asked, concerned.

"For Minho," you held your hand out to Newt.

"Right. For Minho." He took you hand in his, staring out at the horizon line.

(edit later)
1378 words

I won't be able to update for a bit because I'm working on a book for around Christmas time (I know it's early but it's a surprise!) and I have a summer camp that takes away our phones next week.

Expect the next chapter to be out within the month of August. Thanks for being so patient with me! It's going to be a busy month.

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