Love Me Please (Punz)

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Hey this week is a continuing of the Punz story. I'm still undecided on if I should end it here or make one last one. But here is the third part. To Luma and Molly here is the next part sorry for the long wait. This week song is, "Love Me Please" by OCTAVIO the Dweeb. Hope everyone enjoys this week story till next week.


So it's been a month or close to a month since thanksgiving. Have he and I talked about how close we were to kissing 3 times? No. Has it been weird? Well no. A little yeah. Is his mom hoping we go out soon and keeps telling punz to ask me out? Yes yes, she is but I wasn't trying to overhear that. Well, it wasn't overhearing I don't think it was... It was just they were talking in the other room and I happen to be close to the wall so I overheard. So maybe I was eavesdropping. His mom still messaged me every once in a while to ask how he is. Or to ask if he has asked me out on a date such I reply no. She really did hope for us to or at least try and go out on a date. I hope the same. So every time I try I just chicken out. But right-now punz has Covid and I suggested well more like stated that I will be over to help him till he is better which he agreed to.

My plane just landed a day before Christmas Eve. I paid for an Uber to take me to the store to buy presents like nothing but something sentimental from me to him. So I bought him nerf gun(real sentimental huh.)  No, it's not sentimental it's just being in a room alone he will be bored unless he moved his setup to his room. Which chances are he didn't so why not a nerf gun? Then the rest of the supplies were like

*New Year's Eve*

8 letters
I am gonna say those 8 letters tonight at midnight. I am gonna get my midnight kiss. With him. I mean how hard can it be?
"How hard can what be" I glanced over at the door to see him holding a Red Bull and sitting next to me. "How hard can it be to find a good show before the countdown to new years starts!" I say rolling my eyes. Putting my legs over his thigh as he holds them close to his stomach. "You know I'm glad you came here for New Year's Eve. Since I couldn't travel cause of me having Covid for a week," he glanced over at me with a smile. He did have COVID and while at his house he stayed in his room and streamed. I would take him some food or drinks. Other than that I would hear him call me if he wanted anything which was his Starbucks in the morning. Now he is Covid free. All I did was hit his shoulder with a laugh. "Well, I can't have you spending it alone and going to the new year alone. Plus," I start to feel taps on my calves, "at best you would've gone to Dream team house to pop fireworks with also Sylvee and Hannah." He just gave a laugh and answered , "I mean we still can."

The ride to the official dream team house is only the outside of town. I open the window to see sky filled with fireworks. My head starting to go out like a dog while punz just tired to hold me down.
Punz just stared at y/n. She liked free. She was enjoying life and he only enjoy life. Only because she was there with him this new year. He is gonna be with the girl he... loves.

11:30 pm
Parking the car to see everyone outside. Everyone meaning Sylvee, Hannah, Dream, George,and Sapnap. They all stood in the side of the house holding some of the fireworks for midnight while the rest was on the floor. Welcoming each other the two separated.
"Are you gonna do it?" Sapnap question Punz about midnight. Punz just looked at Y/n as she laugh. Punz just stare at her. But not like a stalker stare like a loving stare. Hannah notice shortly after while she told y/n. All she did was tilt her head and gave a small stare. "At midnight I will." Punz turned back to look at his friends with a smile. While y/n was talking to Hannah and Sylvee. As they asked the same question to her. "We will have to wait and see won't we."
Sapnap started to pop fireworks (mostly blackjack and a box called Jack in the box) while the minutes pass. I found a smoke bomb lighting it with punk(it's the brown stick). Throwing to see the blue smoke starting to surround me in seconds. I felt someone approach me, turning to see Punz starting to cough. "You know you shouldn't be in the smoke." While he laugh, "you should take your own advice." the smoke died out. He held a magic shot(the one that has like small balls inside and you point it to the sky. while they shot out in the sky.) "Didnt think they would have these?" Punz holding the firework looking forward to seeing someone in front of us.  "Why wouldn't they have this y/n? it's at least one thing you have to get no matter if you small or old." He approach me getting a hold of my had. Wrapping his hand in mine he lit the firework standing close behind me with his hand in mine. We both counted the number of balls that went out. Till it went out.
11:58 pm
We were near the others while punz help setting up the fireworks that were left. The time was slowly getting away while my hands started to feel tingly. Only because it was close to midnight and I needed to do this. Confess my feeling I mean. Tapping my fingers holding the drink of mine.
He went back beside me looking at the row. "You sure you don't want to light them up?" I asked while he shakes his head. "No Sapnap got this plus I think Dream was gonna help him." He place his hand on  my back. I glanced at my watch seeing the seconds felt like it was minutes. "Punz," he broke my thoughts, "I need to tell you something alright." He nod.
30 seconds before 12
Face to face of each other i held my drink tight starting to control my breathing. "Yeah you can tell me anything," He just a smile. That smile that I love. That smile that makes my heart melt.
20 seconds
"Don't do that," I say while he was confused, "the smile just look at me with a straight face alright before I chicken out on what I'm about to do."
10 seconds
Sapnap shouts leaning down to set the first firework out. Everyone starts to countdown from ten while I just stared at punz. "Luke, I can't stop." He wanted to intrude, "No don't talk.
"I can't go into another year of us being just friends."
"I want to be with you punz. I want to be with you in everything you do."
"From streaming in your gaming room or going to see your mom or just on the phone"
"What I'm trying to say is"
"I love you Luke as much more than a friend"
"Happy New Year." Sapnap yelled as he lit the firework trying to lit as much as he can before seeing the light filled the air. Punz just space out after I said those words. I started to walk away while he held my wrist bring me in to kiss his lips. The cheers were from behind us. He pulled away from the kiss with a smile. "Well I'm gonna take that as an I love you aswell."

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