Chapter One

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At the the New York Institute

Piper and Izzy were in Izzy's room getting ready for another mission to kill demons.

"Izzy, Piper let's go" Alec said from behind the doors.

Girls walk out of the room to Alec.

"Hey, there, big bro" said Piper "Really?" questions Alec seeing Izzy with white wig"What can I say? Demons dig blondes" answered Izzy "Of course they do, but that's white. Besides Piper is blonde" "I am but Izzy is the distraction not me" said Piper "She's right and that's platinum" added Izzy "They don't like Shakespeare, okey, Alec?" said Piper "You're plenty distracting on your own Izzy" said Alec. Izzy sighs"So, be yourself. Is that what you're trying to say?" "Never mind. Looking good, let's go"

The three of them walk in the ops centre towards Jace.

"We're ready, Jace" said Piper "Nice choice Izzy. Demons dig blondes" said Jace "Told you" said Izzy to Alec "It's platinum" added Alec "All right, guys, for some reason our demon friends are killing mundanes and draining their blood" Jace informed the group "Why do they want blood?"asked Piper "Isn't that vampire territory?"added Alec "I don't know. Lazy vampires, maybe?"answered Jace "There must be something special about their blood" Izzy says sighning "What could be special about mundane blood?" asked Piper "You get me a sample and I'll tell you exactly what they're looking for"says Izzy

Jace opens the weapon container and gets four seraph blades and gives them to everybody.

"We'll have more answers when we figure out exactly who the demons are working for" says Jace "So you don't think they're acting on their own?" "No""They're not exactly creative thinkers, they're shapeshifters" says Piper "This is what our target looks like" says Jace pointing to one of the monitors "For now" says Izzy "Great. I'll get approval for the mission" says Alec "Come on, Alec. By the time you've sent that message we'll have killed Sox demons" says Jace "Besides, it's more fun to breake the rules than to follow them. "adds Piper as the four of them walk out of the institute.

In front of Pandemonium

Clary, Simon and Maureen were sitting on Simon's van talking.

"My mom is so overprotective lately" says Clary "So, do you remember in Aliens, when the alien queen was defending her eggs from Ripley?"asks Simon "In this scenerii, is my mom Ripley or the alien queen?"asks back Clary "Both" "What?" "A mother defending her young" Simon says "Defending me from what? i spent all day in an art studio. My life couldn't be more mundane. Besides, I really don't know much about when she was young" says Clary "Oh, just do what I do and get all the dirt from your relatives" says Maureen "Well, I would if I could, but she doesn't have any. And my... my dad died before I was born" "So, you have no one? No uncles, no aunts, no third cousins, twice removed?"asks Maureen "No, just me and my mom" "It's why the Lewis clan has added three chairs to every Seder since pre-school. One for Clary one for Jocelyn, and one for Elijah" "Of course. Obviously" "You guys don't think that's a little bit suspicious? You not knowing anything about your family? Your mom could be hiding some deep, dark secret" says Maureen "Maureen, it's not possible. My mother is incapable of concealing anything from me" says Clary

After the 'concert'

"Thanks for being our roadie" says Maureen "Yeah, and thank you for being our artist in residence" "Of course. So, you went on stage tonight as Champagne Enema" both laugh at that "What were we thinking, right?" "But now we're Rock Solid Panda" "Yeah, we are" "Rock Solid Panda, coming up. I'm feeling inspired"

"What's that tag?"asks Simon "Weird, I didn't even mean to drew that. Second time today" answers Clary "You know they have confirmed cases of people waking up in the morning speaking French,and they never even studied the language"says Maureen "Do you think that's some kind of language?"asks Clary " Sanskrit maybe" says Maureen

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