Where there is a hot brother

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"You guys do have your paddock passes right?" Arthur asks as we step out of the car, towards the entrance of the paddock. "Yes I do- oh lord.." I stop halfway my sentence, seeing the hordes of fans coming our way, with no security anywhere near us.

"ARTHUR!! MARRY ME!!" "CARLOS I WANNA HAVE YOUR BABY!!!" Oh my- it are those kind of fans.. Yeah no I'm not gonna let myself be surrounded by them without any sort of security because believe me, those girls? Obsessed. And any other female around 'their' driver is like a war declaration for them. And since they noticed Louise and I, we didn't really have much time.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm running." I tell the other three, who seem to have had a similar idea. Making a run for it as we're being chased by a whole crowd of fan girls. I rush to the pass scanner, not stopping my great escape until I've passed two security guards, who are looking rather weirdly at me.

When the trio catches up with me, we're all out of breath. "Well, that was eventful?" I remark, leaning against the wall as I look over to the crowd of fans still screaming bloody murder for Arthur and Carlos to notice them.

"That's one way to put it.. My life you guys' fans are insane!" The french girl next to me breathes. "Tell me about it, my DM's are overflowing with desperate girls trying to get me to break up with Carla to get with one of them.. Or other messages I'd rather erase from my memory.." Arthur joins the whining about extreme fan girls. "They've even gone as far as contacting my mum to ask for her approval for marriage. The woman was so confused." He smiles, thinking back at the memory.

"Who got proposed to?" A voice sounds from behind Arthur. My head snaps up, meeting a pair of blue eyes. "LAN!!" I almost scream, jumping into his arms, causing the fan girls to scream even harder. "Hello to you too!" He grins, holding me. Perfectly prepared for my earlier launching in his arms. "Oh my god how long has it been?" I ask, still hugging the boy I see as one of my best friends.

"Way too long." He replies, holding me tighter. "Lan.. No.. Air.." I manage to choke out as his grip keeps on tightening. "Oops." He grins, putting me back down on the ground. Louise also hugs him tightly, however she is keeping her feet on the ground, a wise decision.. I almost died. Dramatic. I know. Deal with it.

"Alright. That's number two, eighteen to go." I smile, linking my arm through the Brit's. "Now tell me, how is Kika doing? And you haven't gotten a girlfriend either?" I start firing questions left and right, making the boy laugh. "Well.. She's coming Sunday? So you might want to ask her yourself, as for the girlfriend. Not yet." He smiles. A smile forms on my face. "She is? Oh my god Lando you just made my week." My smile only widens at the thought. "Yeah yeah I know I'm amazing.." He puffs his chest. 

"Alright, alright you can quit feeding your ego now." I tell him. "Yes mum." He salutes like a soldier, receiving a smack on his head from me. "Alright alright no need to get violent woman." He puts his hands up in defense. "Just close your mouth, will you?" I glare at him as he starts laughing. "Fine fine, I'll surrender?" He links his arms through mine. "Now let's go, there are quite a few people wanting to see you. Cisca and Flo included. They've been whining like babies ever since they knew you were going to be here." The Brit makes his way over to this golf cart ish thing on the paddock? I really don't know how to explain it. 

"Can literally anyone but Lando drive? I don't trust him for shit behind the wheel." I ask no one in general. Arthur seems to have disappeared with Carlos and Louise, leaving me behind with milk boy here.


"Lando Norris SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!" I scream, holding on to dear life as the Brit thought it'd be fun to get on the actual track with me, switching the cart with a faster car. A much faster car. The reason? Apparently I 'needed to get back in the vibe before I could see the others' and he probably planned this from the second he knew I'd be back. Makes sense why the other three left me behind too. Why would he do this you might ask. Well, I'm pretty sure this is payback for beating him in the kart race we once did with quadrant.. He didn't really like that...

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