Chapter 27

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'Good. Now I'm in complete. Control.' 'Pistol' Thought as she was unchained by Chevy, "Now. You could live comfortably at the base, follow me." Chevy said as he led his sadistic partner to her new, comfortable bedroom. "Here, your room. Get settled in and rest. I'll full ya in on the plan tomorrow." Chevy said as he left 'Pistol' on her own. Her room was just like her other one.. But mirrored. "Now. I'm not keeping that shit name. Who names a mercenary. After a worthless secondary gun ? Hah ! Truly weak and pathetic! Anyways... Hmm.. I need no-. Require something the drives fear in my enemies ! Something truly malicious. Ah! I know just the name..."


Guillotine smirked at her new name, perfect for heartless killing machine she is. She knew her other ex-life was over, done for.


'NO-! NONONO! GOD-. PLEASE-! IM BEGGING YOU! Oh no-. I'm either going to die of sheer exhaustion or just suffer in here for the rest of my days... Or try to escape and break through it. Keyword try. Medic... Your my last hope. I believe in you...'


"Today, Guillotine. You will fight alongside Gray Mann's newest creation shipped to us. Granted. It's only one. Better to have an army... But that's why your here. The one woman army you've proved to be." He smiled as he revealed the newest weapon.

A massive australium Heavy robot.

"That's what I'm rolling out on ? All right !" She cheered as she knew something of this size could do some massive damage

"Good. Now go out, kill them all." he snarled as the clanked away.

Guillotine jumped up onto the shoulder of the bolted behemoth, "Alrighty. Let's roll out." She sneered as the massive robot began walking out. This, was massive improvement to the original robots. The second model, It was silent, moved much much faster, and ran as smooth as butter. The two traveled to the enemy base in no time.

"Alrighty big guy. Let's see what you can do." Guillotine sneered as they neared the base, and heard the familiar alarm war alarm.. She could almost hear the administrators voice... 'Defend the base! The robots are coming!' Pausing for a brief moment, she spaced out. Stuck in the movie of memories Pistol made.

"STAY AT BAY ! IM SUPERIOR." Guillotine snapped as she was filled with rage. Distracted by stupid memories to keep her from the task at hand! She will not  fail again. "Begin blasting ! DONT LEAVE ANYONE ALIVE !" She barked as she stood up on the robots shoulder, ready to kill all of them.


"What the.. hell.. ?" Spy muttered as he watched the massive golden robot march into their turf through his french window in front of his desk. Every step drawing a potential end closer, and closer. He heard the battle alarm go off. His harsh wound, not even close to letting him do simple tasks on his own. Strictly prohibiting him from fighting alongside his fellow men in the war. He placed a firm hand on his desk he was seated at. He wanted to rise, he wanted to aid his men.. But he could hear Snipers words echo in his head, 'Luv ! You must rest.. It was a miracle you lived. I understand your rage, but please. Rest, we don't got Medic to heal you.' Spy could only watch, watch as his fellow men throw their best effort against the strongest, and fiercest enemy the have ever laid their eyes on. And all he could do. Was watch... All because. Of Pistol

The once secretary to the enemy who ran because of how poorly she was treated. Pauling hired her, letting Pistol train under Spy's watchful eye. Even after his sudden departure, she kept on refining, and improving her skills. Only for her to go missing, and side with the group she once hated. Spy bitterly thought.

The posh, perfect man ladies would swoon over.. Has been changed. Degraded into only a opened wrinkled dress shirt, revealing a monstrous injury wrapped in bloodstained bandages. A messy tie, dress pants, and dress shoes

"... Let my love be safe." he muttered in utter defeat.

A/N: Wow.. That was a rollercoaster of emotions... Holy-. Wow.

We can ride this out together guys-. I promise... I love all of you and breaking 300 views is better than I could've ever hoped for. So, thank you. So, so much 🧡

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