Chapter 2: Stirling Formula

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Permitted This Characters are not mine obviously they're from their rightful owners

Harumi Jade
Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon

Misako Montgomery
Garmadon Montgomery
Kai Smith

No one Pov:

In her book White Oleander, Janet Fitch wrote 'Hatred', now that's something you can use, Sculp Weild. It's hard or soft however you need it, it's such a lovely quote and she always and she always use it when she start to feel hatred towards someone. Recently that someone has been Lloyd she hate his smugness, his glare, his overall sense of purpose and his entire character.

Harumi can dance circles around his intelligence, her brother Nelson knows more about the basic principles of mathematics than he does. Does this school lacks of proper tutors that they've stuck her, a seemingly hopeless case, with him?

Maybe she can convince Mr. Handerson to test her himself and he'll show her that she can achieve an A on her own. And make him promise not to make a show of it. There may still be a way to sneak by the graduation without being bothered by anyone in the process.

Clearly she's not smart enough to or would have thought of this simple solution when Handerson first suggested the ludicrously idea of being tortured.

"Miss Jade, I don't have time for this nonsense. I was on my out to a important meeting with Superintendent Fillmore before you unintentionally barged in so unceremoniously." Handerson says as he gathers some pile of papers off his and place them neatly in his briefcase.

"I'm sorry for my intruding, but I just need a moment of you're time, I can prove to you that I don't need a tutor."

"You had that chance the last three years"

"No. look, I've been receiving bad grades on purpose. I didn't want to draw attention to myself...If you would just give me one more chance-"

Mr. Handerson hold up his hand stopping her explanation. "Miss Jade why on earth would a student do such a thing on purpose? And I said I don't have time for this at the moment. I'm already late for the meeting and then I'll be away for a week at a conference in Washington D.C Vice president Mather's will be here to oversee the school in my absence. If you have any questions, you can take it up with her. However I suggest you stick to the tutoring schedule we created and not waste Ms. Mather's time with you're shenanigans, she's also the couch for the girl's volleyball team and they're in the final quarter-finals, she has enough on her plate as it is."

"But sir-"

"Enough, Miss Jade you should get back to your class, or your teacher might give you detention as I am not writing you a late-note. For once please do as I asked, I will see you when I get back and perhaps then I can go over your process" Handerson doesn't wait for her to respond, he closes his briefcase says a quick goodbye and heads out the door.

Harumi stood in her spot, pouting with her arms crossed over her chest, another week of torture awaits her and it's all she can do to keep her anger checked if that's possible.


"Why are you always late? Do you have some sort of Illness?"

When Mr.Handerson was informed about their little spat the other day, he was not happy, in fact Harumi never seen him so angry his neck had turned an unseemly shade of red, a giant vein on his forehead looked about to burst and his eyes were so round and large that she was sure they'd pop out of their socket in any second.

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