A Secret Revealed

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The Cullens, along with Bella, were all sitting around Edward as he was trying to explain what he saw in the Volturi. "I am telling you I know what I saw." "Impossible if Aro, Marcus, and Caius had a sister every vampire would know." "Look I know it is hard to believe but ask Alice and Bella they were there." "You expect me to believe what the human says." "Rosalie, Edward is telling the truth I was there." All the Cullens stood up.

" All the Cullens stood up

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They turned out Carlisle. "He's telling the truth." Carlisle walked up to Bella. He then turned to face the rest of his family. "When I was currently staying with the Volturi I would sometimes see this women. Whenever I would mention this to either Aro, Marcus,or Caius they would deny this women even existed. But then one day I meet her face to face."


Carlisle was walking through the halls of the Volturi when he accidentally bumped into a women. Carlisle looked up and saw the women that he has been seeing. The women faced him.

"Are you okay Carlisle?"  Carlisle was stunned by her kindness

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"Are you okay Carlisle?"  Carlisle was stunned by her kindness. "How do you know me. Who are you ." The woman chuckled. "Of course they would this. Over protective brothers what are you going to do about them."  Carlisle was confused and the women must have noticed this. "Oh I am sorry my name is Pandora.... Pandora Volturi." Carlisle was stunned to say the least. The three Volturi kings had a sister.

"Your name is Pandora Volturi?" The women smiled at him. "Yes I am. My brothers can be a bit over protective." Carlisle looked at her. "Okay that is a understatement. They don't even like me socializing with a man that isn't them." She then turned to me. "So what about you?" Carlisle understood her question. "Well my name is Carlisle and-." "Well well well you are finally aquinted." Carlisle and Pandora turned and saw Aro, Marcus and Caius. To say they looked mad was an understatement. "Carlisle you finally met the women that we have been trying to hide."

"Pandora please follow Caius to the library before he loses his mind." Pandora looked sympatheticly at Carlisle before walking towards Caius. Caius held Pandora's hand in his and walked to the library. Carlisle noticed Caius giving him an evil glare.

 Carlisle noticed Caius giving him an evil glare

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Aro put his arm around Carlisle's shoulder. "Now that you know about her you must never talk or tell anyone about her." Carlisle was about to talk when Aro turned to face him. With both of his hands on his shoulders. "I mean it when I say this if you ever tell anyone about her without our consent I will kill you. Not unless Caius gets to you first."

With that they left leaving Carlisle all alone.

*Flashback over*

Carlisle faced his family who all had shocked faces. "So I have been keeping a secret for all of these years." Alice walked up to him and hugged him. "Was Pandora nice to you?" "Yes she was the kindest one out of the Volturi. But her love for her brothers was unbreakable. She would do anything for them." Carlisle sighed. "But she was my friend and we had to keep our friendship a secret for obvious reasons."

Esme hugged her mate. "I'm sure she misses you as you miss her." Rosalie decided to ask a question. "What kind of power does she have?" Everyone looked at her. "What. It's a simple question she must have powers if she is part of the Volturi." Carlisle let out a big sigh. "She has a hypnosis gift. She can hypnotize anyone into doing anything she wants." Carlisle clapped his hands together. "Okay let's continue this conversation another day."

And with that everyone watched as Carlisle walked out of the door worrying about him.

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