Chapter 1

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I have ownership of him though. I went to get dinner, than a certain bag of crazy decided to knock people up with frying pans.”

“Actually, I was playing grit-ball if you must know.” I quoted a game from one of the Madea movie.

“Yeah, minus the grits. I ‘m going to the doctor, stay here, and make the room across the hall comfortable for him please?”

“He has to be across the hall from me?!” I whined.

“And I expect you to take care of him, seeing as all of this is your fault indeed. Now help me carry the body to the car.”

I grabbed his legs, but I’m not the most coordinated person, so it looked like I was playing twister.

“NOW, are you ready to actually move from this location?” She asked.

“Wait!” I adjusted his leg on my shoulder, “Now, I’m good.”


I helped my mom put his body into her car, and walked back inside the house. I flew up the stairs, and into the room across from mine. It was only a simple room. It had a queen sized bed, two dressers, a night stand, and a flat screen TV. The room was a light green, with white ceilings, and a pitch black comforter set.

I noticed a suitcase lying on the floor beside the dresser, “Must be his.” I muttered. I unzipped the case, and began putting his clothes in dressers. The things I found in there. I found: a pair of handcuffs with a set of keys, condoms, gauze, a picture of two people on it that was drawn by a kid, condoms, an art journal, condoms, a playboy magazine with pages stuck together by sticky stuff, (Gross) condoms, and some more condoms. Well, that stuff along with his clothes, and all that jiz.

I had an idea. Light bulb! I took all of his condoms, and hid them in my underwear drawer. He’ll never find them there. I wonder what he would do if he can’t find them.


I got ahold of his journal, and I was on the bed, looking inside of it. I began to flip through the pages, but I found nothing.

“You know that is empty right?”

I look up to find the rapist in the doorway, with an ice pack on his head. “Yeah, I see that.” My gaze shifted to the pack again, “Sorry… about…” I swung my arms, like I was batting.

“Yeah, right.” He walked over to the dresser to set the pack down. “Nice swing.”

“Thanks I guess.”

“Sage, Jace, dinners ready!” My mom yelled from downstairs.

I got up off of the bed, and walked over to the door to leave. Then suddenly I was flipped and my back was slammed against the wall next to it. A body was snug with mine, and I looked up at Jace, as he looked down at me. I was about to speak, then my words were cut off, when his lips captured mine in an embrace. His tongue slid easily between my lips.

No matter how the kiss made me feel, I couldn’t allow it. I backed away breathlessly, “Jace…”

“Yeah, practice screaming my name baby.”

Ugh! He’s arrogant! “As if!” I tried to push him off of me, but his grip on my body tightened.

“You know you felt something in that kiss.” He lowered his head, to whisper in my ear. “And I know you’ll be thinking about it. So when you REALLY want to scream my name, all you have to do is ask.” He moved, and headed downstairs as if nothing happened. Oy.

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