venting to claudia

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after she'd gotten dressed, billie quickly put some aquaphor on her bottom lip - which she'd noticed was cut shortly after she'd woken up.

she'd chosen to wear a baggy black shirt with white print on it, with some baggy pants decorated with chains that had zips at the bottoms.

she quickly put on some concealer to cover some subtle fading acne scars on her face, along with light  mascara, knowing that someone would probably see her walking into finneas' house and take a picture because all of the blonde hair social media mess.

she hated pictures being taken of her without knowing, but what she hated even more was when she looked ugly in them.

billie had been overly careful with everything she did with her appearance, ever since the incident where she was caught jogging to her car after being at finneas' house.

she was wearing a tight, light grey tank top that revealed all of her upper chest and abdomen, and baggy running shorts.
her hair had been in a rushed messy bun and the picture had been taken from a side angle to her dismay.
billie vividly remembered it was the only thing trending on social media for weeks afterwards. people reposted the picture, fat shamed her, sexualised her, and she was always the target of anything negative anyone had to say.
it was so bad that even her millions of fans couldnt do much about everyone hating on her.

she practically had a normal teenagers body, but because she was a celebrity everyone took the piss out of her for it not being perfect.

the next few weeks after the incident were rough for her, she had just started to become more confident about her body.
and then that happened, causing her to develop her eating disorders again and overly put her in a bad place mentally.


half an hour later, billie had parked her car around the corner from finneas' house, as his driveway had already been filled with his two cars and claudias tesla.

she took the short walk from her dodge challenger to her brothers house, feeling as always - like she was being watched. billie stopped momentarily, and looked behind her, to double check there wasnt a load of paparrazi directly behind her.
she saw nothing, and continued walking until she reached her brothers door.
billie knocked, and claudia opened the door and greeted billie with a big hug and a smile before letting her in.
she followed claudia to their big kitchen, where finneas was sitting with a green drink in his hand. billie assumed it was something healthy claudia had made for him, and she smiled lightly at the thought.

he quickly read billies expression and knew she was in a low mood, which he made a mental note to talk to her about when they were alone.
'hi bil,' finneas said, lifting his hand in a wave.
'yo.' billie replied shortly. 'ill be in the studio.' she said, hardly being her usual talkative self.
finneas watched her walk towards the stairs leading down to the basement, sharing a concerned type of look with claudia in sync.
'do you guys have any paracetamol?' billie asked suddenly, her hand resting on the wall.
'yeah, i think so. in the bathroom, ill go with you.'
billie nodded, walking towards the staircase before ascending it, claudia following behind her.
billie stood by the bathroom door, opening it as claudia came in behind her, going straight to a cabinet and opening it.
'is everything alright billie?' claudia asked, whilst being preoccupied with searching for the small box of paracetamol pills that she was sure they had in somewhere in the bathroom.
billie sat on the edge of the bath, letting out a small sigh.
'its complicated, but long story short - drew left me.' billie murmured.
'what do you mean, she left you?' claudia asked, turning to face billie, concerned.
'well, last night we were both drunk and some dickhead leaked my blonde hair and it caused a massive ordeal if you've seen,' billie spoke really quickly, trying to get it all out in one breath as claudia listened carefully, her hand resting in the open cabinet still while she nodded slowly.
'and then this girl whos really pretty and shes just special, well- i only met her last night but..' billie sighed, tightening her grip on the edge of the bathtub where she was seated.
'she found out who i was. and i was really sad because- who wants to date a famous celebrity right? it's absolute chaos and bullshit. i was convinced she didnt want to talk to me anymore, and drew doesnt like her whatsoever - which i still have no clue why,' billie rambled, stumbling on words as she relived the whole night.

'um, so drew thought i was sad about the whole entire blonde hair situation, which if im honest i couldnt give a shit about because people wouldve found out sooner or later.
and then drew said 'lets go on a walk,' probably thinking it would help. it did a little, but not to solve my problem that was stressing me out.
and i could never tell her why i was really sad because she got in a mood when i was speaking to the girl and i just got the hint something bad had happened between them.
i just didnt want her to get mad at me for being so bothered about some girl i just met that drew seemingly hated, you know? so i just said i couldnt tell her, and then drew just.. kissed me?'
billie said, pausing to catch her breath.
claudia stood, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. billie assumed it was probably because claudia didnt catch a word of her massive vent because of billie rushing through it all.

but she continued anyways.

'and i didnt like the fact drew kissed me because i mean- i didnt like her in that way in the least. yeah, shes absolutely gorgeous and i love her so much, but it'd be wrong. shes been my friend for years now and.. yeah.
so anyway, i asked her why she did it, and then drew shouted back at me and kept saying how selfish and clueless i was. she was kind of in an angry vent rage but it was all aimed at me. then she told me that um, she told me that she'd loved me for years and kept crying about how i was stupid enough not to notice her but then id fallen in love with some girl id just met earlier that night. i don't know what happened really, but drew, ive never seen her like that. not ever.' billie explained, a little slower this time, her voice broke throughout as if she was about to cry.

claudia's face softened as she listened to billie.

'ive been such a shitty friend to drew and i hate myself so much. i fucked up my relationship  with my closest friend, which is just typical.'
billie muttered.

claudia didnt know what to say, she was usually amazing at giving advice to billie and could solve all her issues. but this had her completely silenced as she wondered what to say to comfort billie.

'billie, i..' claudia began to say.

'you dont have to say anything claud, i know it probably sounds like absolute petty bullshit to you. but ive made a pretty fucking big mistake, and im gonna save you time from being my personal therapist and trying to help me, by attempting to solve it myself whilst trying not to fuck everything up.' billie murmured, shrugging.

'okay, but you always know where i am if you want to talk or need any help.' claudia said with a supportive smile, turning back around to continue the search for the pills billie needed for her hangover.

'found the paracetamol,' claudia announced, reaching to the back of the cabinet on her tip-toes to get it.

'thanks, ive just got the biggest fucking hangover.' billie said, taking the box of pills from claudia's hand.

she took two out from the foil lidded packaging, putting them in her mouth. she then turned on the bathroom tap and cupped her hands underneath the cold water, and drinking the water from her hands to swallow the pills with.


a big filler paragraph to make up for the past few smaller ones🥹

sorry for not updating too much today aswell lol, ill make up for it and write like 4 chapters later❗️

bitches broken hearts \\ billie eilish DISCONTINUED!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin