1: soccer

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Running across the field. The wind blowing my hair backward. The ball at my feet was listening to my every word as i picked even more speed. Adreneline rushed through me as i went for the goal. I could hear my coach from the sideline begging me to pass to someone, but i wasn't planning on listening to him. i had five minutes on the clock, and i was going to make them count! I was so close!! Just a bit more! Moving around someone, passing another! Player after player! there it was!! The goal was within my reach! the even score would be broken by this exact shot. the goalie was practically shivering seeing my approaching form. with a massive swing of my leg, the ball went flying. the goalie jumped, but that no longer mattered as the ball hit the net. Cheers erupted, and my smile grew even wider. i looked backward to see if my dad saw only to find him gone from his previous spot. my smile dropped. huh? Where did he go?

my coach shook his head at me. "Next time, you better pas around. you got lucky." That definitely didn't help my mood, and i just glared at him. "Be happy I scored this stupid team a goal. We're going to nationals, thanks to me."

i walked to the changing rooms, mad that my dad had left, missing my epic goal. a reporter stopped me and pushed a mic into my face. " How does it feel to be such a talent at such a young age? you're only 17, after all!" i looked at her with a tired expression. " Living everybody's dream, i guess." With that, i left not being in the mood to talk.

as i walked home, i felt empty. this was my last year of high school, so i was trying to prove to my dad that i could pursue soccer as a career, but he didn't seem to care and never acknowledged my prestations. i entered my home and headed straight to my room. not that anyone could care.

dropping myself on my bed, i took out my phone. Notifications about my and other team's matches. about my multiple goals and how the other team fought hard but just couldn't keep up. i gained praise and hate, but it all didn't matter because my dad couldn't care less either way.

I awoke to my mother calling me for dinner. When i got downstairs, my dad and brother were already seated. My dad gave me a judgmental glare as i sat down opposite them. "I heard you won your match. Too bad you are not putting as much effort in your studies, maybe then you would actually succeed in life. Like your brother." I stared at my plate as my mother joined us and the conversation. "You won, honey? That's great! Im very proud of you." A soft smile crept on my lips as i heard my mother's sweet words. She has always been my biggest supporter. I loved her dearly for that. "Tch!" My dad practically gagged at the display of love towards me. "He is failing 2 classes, and all he does is look at soccer matches! He should be studying! How come his brother is top of his class, and he barely passes?" My dad had always been quick to compare my brother and me. I hated it. It brought my mood down. My mother placed her hand atop my head as she ruffeled my hair. "You made the deal, remember? As long as he graduates, he is allowed to play!" She defended me as i ate in silence. All warm and fuzzy because of my loving mother, i finished dinner and excused myself, thanking my mother for the food.

Putting on shoes, i left my house with a bag in hand. It had turned dark outside a while ago, but i didn't feel like being at home. I walked to the common footbalfield. Taking out my ball and going up to the goal.

I practiced my shooting as a way to empty my head. Kick after kick, i build up a sweat.

I was lost in thought and went in for another kick when someone tapped my shoulder. I halted mid movement and turned to look at them. Purple eyes stared back at me as he gave me a big smile. "Hey! Mind if we joined? We wanted to play as well!" He spoke as i saw the ball he held on his side. Looking beyond him, i saw a taller fella with white hair and a bored expression. Sure...

The purple dude introduced him and his friend as reo and nagi. I gave them my name while passing the ball to reo. He intercepted it and passed to nagi. This went around for a while. "How about we try scoring goals? I'll be goalie first, and nagi can defend. (Y/n) you can attack! I nodded as i took the ball, taking a few steps back. Nagi and reo also stood in position as i thought about my approach. I started with a light jog, going with a careful approach. Nagi closed in on me, but with a small trick of my feet, the ball went over his head, and i went into a full-blown sprint. This took him by surprise, giving me the necessary head start. I reached the goal and searched for an opening shooting straight for the left upper corner. Reo tried to catch it but ultimately failed to do so. I let out a breath as reo looked at me, surprised. "Wow! That was really impressive (y/n)! How did you do that? Where did you learn to do that?" He had lots of questions as nagi came to stand next to me and gave me a thumbs up. "Good job" was all he said. I smiled a bit. "Its a secret."

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