𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗

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Vances legs kick against the wall as he and robin try to pull him up and out of the basement. I sob as i pull vances arm, fear, anger and sadness coursing vividly through my entire being. Suddenly i hear the loud crash of metal against a wall as the basement door flies open, the masked man comes running through.
"Fuck!" He shouts and runs over to vance.
"Vance!" I scream, tears streaming down my face messily.
The man grabs onto vances leg and pulls him down, dragging him down the wall. Robin and i continue to pull but are overpowered by the man, vance starts yelling out.
"Please don't let go, please!"
"We wont just keep pulling!" I shout back, i feel my muscles straining as i helplessly pull, but it's no use. Robin loses his grip and vance goes crashing to the floor with a loud yelp.
"No!" I cry, scurrying to the window and starting to climb through, but robin yanks me back. "No vance!"
"Y/n dont!" Robin shouts and pulls me back, i try to escape his grasp but he's stronger than me, he grabs me in his arms and starts to walk back as i scream and thrash about in an attempt to get back to vance. I cry out as i see vance being hit unconscious by the man and then dragged back to the mattress.
"No! Robin stop let go! Stop!" I cry, feeling my heart strain. Robin is unresponsive as he drags me back, my feet kicking as i push back on robin trying to escape his arms. "Robin please!"
I scream as robin pulls me away, tears rushing down my face and my breathing messy. 10 minutes later, im sat in the back of the car that robin dragged me too, my knees to my chest and my head resting on the seat, quietly sobbing. The car is still on the side of a random street as i cry and the others look forward silently, except robin. He stares at me, i feel his eyes blaring into my head, but i don't look up. Instead i sit there, sobbing. All i can see is vance. His broken, bruised face. His struggling body. His weak demeanour. All i can hear is vance. His piercing screams. His small sniffles as he tried to act tough. His begging and pleading for me to not let go. And his silence as he goes unconscious. I sob and sob, paying no attention to the people surrounding me. Robin reaches his hand out and places it on my knee gently, i shove it away. The silence around me is deathly and i feel the awkwardness suffocating us all.
"Y/n-" He attempts to speak.
"No." I lift my head up and look at him, my hair now a mess, my eyes red, my face puffy and covered in mascara. "We found him and you made me leave, you made me leave him!" I cry
"You found him?" Camilla questions
"Yes! Take me back."
"No, we didnt." Robin denies.
"What?" My voice comes out wobbly.
"We didn't find him." He denies again
"Yes we did what do you mean?"
"What happened?" Camilla asks, confusion in her tone.
"Y/n tried breaking into a random house that he wasn't even in, i had to take her away the woman that lived there was threatening to call the police."
"What? No that, that isnt what happened!"
"It is, you can't take her back."
My eyes widen in disbelief, why is he lying? I reach for the door handle but the noise of the doors locking runs through my ears. I grab the handle and start to helplessly pull. "Let me out!"
"Don't let her out camilla." Diego blankly says.
"Let me out now! Let me out!" I start to protest, screaming as i pull at the handle repeatedly.
"Im sorry y/n.." Camilla says quietly before starting to drive.
"No No!" I scream as i pull at the handle, panic and anger racing through my body. "Let me out goddamn it! Let me out" I scream, banging on the window. Robin grabs me and pulls me back, i try to get out but it's no use, none of them will believe me. I give up and fall back on robin, crying loudly, not caring anymore. The drive is silent, the only noise being my sobs, we eventually pull up at the house. Camilla reluctantly unlocks the doors and i jump up, pushing the door open and making a run for it. My feet heavily smack the grounf with each aimless stride i take, i feel the wind flying past me and i hear the breeze loudly in my ears until it's interrupted by loud footsteps behind me, but i pay no attention. I keep running, but don't get far before i'm lifted up off the ground by diego, he hoists me over his shoulder and holds onto me tightly, ensuring i dont escape. He carries me back into the house, takes me upstairs and puts me down on robins bed, then leaves without saying a word. I sit in the room alone, looking around before breaking out into another cry, tears start to stream slowly down my face and small sobs escape my mouth. I'm left crying quietly alone for another 5 minutes until i hear the door start to open, i jump back against the wall and hold my knees tightly to my chest. Robin walks in quietly and closes the door behind him, locking it too.
"Why?" I quietly ask "Why did you take me away? Why did you lie?"
"Because y/n-"
"He needs me robin why would you do that?" I quietly sob
"Because you would've died if we stayed."
"And now he's going to!" I cry
"Y/n we can still help but you can't risk yourself to save someone who we don't even know can be saved"
"He could've been if you took me back! Why did you lie?"
"I had to." He stays calm
"No you didnt!"
"You didn't have to you fucking liar!" I shout
"If i didn't you would've gotten yourself killed! I'm not going to let you die!" He shouts back
"You don't know that!"
"Yes i do! Your just too delusional to see it!"
"Delusional?" I laugh.
"Yes! You're so set on saving vance that your being reckless with your life and i can't let you do that! I can't let you kill yourself when we could do this the safe way, with the police!"
"The police wont do shit robin! The police don't give a single fuck about vance, they'd rather have him dead!"
"Well you're not dying!"
"We had him! We had vance and you pulled me away!"
"Y/n you're fucking crazy if you thought we would've got him out without someone ending up dead."
"If my brother dies," I pause. "I will never forgive you."
"Well thats fine by me if it means you're safe, but i'm not going to just sit by and let you die."
"Fuck you!"
"You wanna blame me fine, blame me."
"Okay, you screwed up robin! You put me in a position where i have to live with the fact that if my brother dies, i let him die, where i have to risk my brothers life because i love you!"
"Then stop loving me!"
"I cant!"
The room goes silent, he looks at me and i look back at him, feeling the hot tears brimming in my eyes.
"I don't know how.." I quietly add.
He sighs and goes back over to the door, unlocking it and opening it.
"Let's go." He looks back over at me.
"Go where?"
"To get vance."

(1333 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀)

𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖈𝖐 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖊// robin arellano Where stories live. Discover now