Urumi Akamaki

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A/n: Hi babes 😜😜😜 I wanna ask if i made a 'Sweet Home' oneshots book would anyone read it bec i love the show sm and I can't find much content on wattpad

Y/n'sp POV

I was sitting on the ground of Teio prison, waiting for the deadly game to start. My heart was racing, nervousness taking over my thoughts and making it heard to focus. A girl with a blue dress walked in the lobby. I quickly recognised her face from a previous game that we played together in which i had saved her life.

Her eyes wandered to mine and i saw her face light up as she recognised me too. Skipping over to me, she sat down "Hi!" her cheerful voice cut through the silence "Hi!" i replied, trying to match her adorable cheerfulness.

"You saved me in that game! I'm Urumi" she smiled at me. I returned the grin, telling her my name. It hadn't been even a minute but her presence seemed to immediately calm my nerves. Her voice was adorable.

After around an hour of sitting around and talking with Urumi, the voice announced the start of the game.

"Difficulty level, Jack of Hearts. Game, Solitary Confinement" once the rules and conditions to win the game were announced, i saw Urumi stand up from her seat next to me. She put out her hand towards me and i grabbed it, getting up too. Even after i got up her hand never left mine.

"I have an idea. How about we get together and make teams to tell each other? So that way, nobody can lie" she said "Good idea" said a man "Um, would you mind if i joined up with you two?" "Me too?" "I'd like to join as well" people started to come around us "Sure! The more, the merrier!"

The first round passed and everyone was honest to each other. But while we were waiting for the timer to be at 5 minutes so we could go to our cells, a man started beating up this boy. Another man went and told the boy to say the wrong symbol which resulted in the man dying.

"Hey. That guy must be the Jack. He lied to that big bully and killed him. I think we'd better kill him next turn" Urumi suggested. I mean, that man told him to lie but i guess she had a point. He was too easy to manipulate and could be a danger if the Jack gets to him.

"Are you saying... that we should lie to him?" asked a girl "Of course. He's definitely the Jack. And if not, he's still dangerous. We should eliminate him while we have the chance"

A few more rounds passed and only 8 of us were left. Me and Urumi were sitting in the cafeteria while everyone else was in the lobby. We decided to start trusting only each other after some people tried to lie to us.

"Wait here" i said and went to the shelfs with snacks. I got two packets of chocolate (or any flavour you like) and strawberry pocky and went back to the table we were sitting at.

"Here" i said with a smile, handing her the strawberry ones "Thank you!" she exclaimed, taking the packet.

We were talking while eating the sweets when i spaced out, listening to her voice and analysing her face. She was really pretty. Before I could stop myself from talking, i said my thoughts out loud. She stopped talking and turned to look at me. I realised what i had said, quickly turning to look at the table again.

"Sorr-" but before I could apologise, she put her index finger under my chin and turned my face to look at her "You really think so?" her voice was just above a whisper and I noticed her cheeks were a light shade of pink. I felt my face burning up too and nodded "You know, i still haven't thanked you properly for saving my life" she leaned in a bit "Can i?" her eyes flickered to my lips. I nodded and she closed the space between us, connecting our lips.

When our lips separated, she giggled and continued eating sweets, while we discussed who we think the Jack is.

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