Chishiya Shuntaro

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It was time for the games, so me and Chishiya met up outside my room before walking down the halls of the Beach. I couldn't help but feel nervous, even after being in Borderland for a while. Chishiya seemed to notice and gently grabbed my hand, running his thumb over my knuckles. When we exited the Beach, the cars were waiting for each group like usual.

Chishiya turned to face me "Good luck" "Good luck" i whispered back, before we went our separate ways, avoiding to join a game together, knowing the risk of getting a hearts game. I got in the car, looking out the window while more people entered. The engine started and the car set off, driving through the empty streets of Tokyo.

Soon we arrived at one of the game arenas and everyone got out. Following the glowing white billboard, it led us to what looked like an old factory.

We walked in, passing through the red lasers, the floor creaking behind us. I walked up to the table with phones at the front, taking one before looking around. I walked to the back of the crowd, trying to calm myself. Looking down at the phone it turned on "Facial Recognition In Progress Please Wait A Moment"

After a minute, the voice spoke again "Registration has closed. The game will now commence. Difficulty, Four of Clubs. Rule. Answer the 20 questions to receive the key for the door. Each time someone answers wrong, the walls will close in faster. Enter the room shown to you by the signs. Time limit, 10 minutes"

We all followed the signs on the wall. They led us to a hallway with 3 doors, on each of them a note which read '20 people in each room'. We split into groups of 20 before entering the rooms. When we entered, the walls were painted in yellow with dim lighting, the floor made from dirty white tiles, the only furniture being a big screen. The door made a *click* sound "The game will now commence" the voice announced the start of the game and the walls slowly began to close.

The screen lighted up and a question showed up with 4 possible answers under it "That's easy" said a girl, rushing to the front "The answer is the 3rd one" the 3rd answer was selected, and the screen glowed in a green light, signalling the answer was right. Another one showed up. I read the answers one more time, before speaking up "its the 1st answer" the 1st option got marked and the green light shined once again.

More and more questions popped up, each becoming harder "The 4th answer" shouted someone. This time, the screen glowed in red and the walls started closing faster "Time remaining, one minute"i started panicking and my hands began shaking. Terrified, i couldn't concentrate on the question.

"Someone do something!" yelled somebody, a worried expression on their face. We had one last question left "Time remaining, 30 seconds"I read the question over and over before it finally clicked in "Option 2!" i shouted, stepping forward. The screen lighted in green, and it's disk tray slid open, revealing a key. Noticing i was standing the closest to it, i grabbed the key before squishing through the crowd of people, trying to get to the door. The walls didn't leave much space, making it harder to get to the exit.

"Time remaining, 10 seconds" it was becoming hard to breathe. Finally reaching the door, i unlocked it, before barging outside and leaning against the opposite wall. Just then, the walls closed completely, resulting in the people that were still inside to be crushed to death. The sound of their bones cracking and their flesh tearing apart could be heard. Their blood splattered over the ones that made it out and i closed my eyes, before wiping away some of the blood that got on my face.

"Game clear. Congratulations" i finally calmed down, sighing in relief. The ones who were new to the games looked around terrified as the thick crimson red liquid poured into the floor. Most people started walking out. I got to the exit of the building and started walking towards the spot the car was parked on. There were already people getting in. I sat down, looking out the window once again while everyone got in.

Once we finally arrived at the Beach, i got out of the car. I went inside the residence, searching for Chishiya "Behind you" i heard him mumble, his voice calm as always. I turned around, seeing him walk towards me "You okay?" he asked"Yeah" i whispered and hugged him. Letting go, i got ahold of his hand and we started walking through the corridors.

We got to his room and he sat me on an armchair before going to get something. When he came back, i saw that he was carrying a towel. He sat next to me before lifting up my chin with his pointer finger. Cleaning up the blood from my face, he kissed my forehead and hugged me. We told each other about today's games and soon fell asleep.

A/n: Okay im sorry this is kinda short, but i didn't have much ideas on how to end it. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it, once again thank you for the reads and votes, it means a lot <33

Alice In Borderland OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora