Chapter 7

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Ari Jones

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Ari Jones

I woke up to the sound of shouting. I jumped up from the couch and made my to were the sound was coming from.

Someone was getting a lecture I suppose because of how this person was talking. But something wasn't right because the voice was very familiar. So I pushed open the door and was shocked by what I saw.

 So I pushed open the door and was shocked by what I saw

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Alexandra Rue

I arrived earlier on at Aria's apartment. I was expecting to give Aria her present but found her asleep on the couch. " Il mio bambino." She must have been so exhausted. As I was admiring her Ryle came up to me. "Boss I think you will want to see something." He said "Later, can't you see I'm busy?" I state. "But boss it's about Aria." I turn my head in an instant only to find him scratching the back of his neck.


"What the fuck is this?" I shout "It's Jovanni boss." One of my men state. "Yes I can see that you idiot, but what does he think he is doing?" I exclaimed. 

I was angry, no, furious of what I had just seen. Jovanni one of my best snipers had just slapped Aria's ass. One thing I was happy about was how she reacted. She kneed him in the groin and warned the other men. That's my girl but I still will not let this slip. So I found myself walking casually around the place searching for him.  

I heard my some of my security team whispering things like "Ooo boss is going to murder him." His ass is gonna get whipped " and stuff like that. Normally I would of told them to shut up but they were right I was going to murder him. 

Hello my beautiful people! I'm so very sorry for not updating any sooner but... I've been in the hospital these past few weeks and my laptop was at home so I couldn't do anything about that. Dw about me. I'm getting looked after and I hope will get better. Also u might be wondering what I have, its unstable angina. I'm not getting into it right now cus I don't feel like it. U can search it up, idgaf but ye.

Ok so, how was this chapter? ik,ik short but I promise next one will be longer. Trust me. How was everyone's crimbo?! Mine was good. 

Hope u guys will have an amazing new year and I'll see u till nest time baiii!! xx 

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