Chapter 5

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                                                                          Aria Jones

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                                                                          Aria Jones

I was woken by the sense of nausea that spread throughout my throat to my mouth. " I think I'm gonna be sick" I say finally. "Do you want me to pull over or can you hold it in for 15 more minutes? " He says with a warm smile on his face. That was the first time he had smiled.

"Umm.. I think I can wait another 15 minutes." I say quietly. He nods and reassures me that if I can't hold it in anymore he would be able to stop and pull over. He was-nice to say the least. Wanting to help me but I knew that Alex had probably instructed him to do so knowing her.

The pill I had taken helped me a lot as I suffer from diabetes type 2. Type 1 people take insulin but I take pills. I was diagnosed a year ago meaning I'm still new to the whole thing. But it's kind of like when you get your period for the first time its weird or scary and still like that after a year, your not used to it as you only have it once a month.

"What's your name?" I ask quickly. "I'm not supposed to have conversations with you Aria. "He states coldly. "Well I don't find it fair that you know mine and I don't know yours. It's just simply not fair" I say back. "You do make a good point." He sits there thinking if he should probably risk his job for me or just keep quiet and not talk to this rather small, stubborn girl ( which is me by the way). 

" My name is Ryle." He says in a very quiet tone thinking I did not here him. "Ryle, see that was not hard at all. You my friend are making progress." I say cheerfully. He snorts in a cute way. "Your cute." I say simply "Umm- I'm married. He says "Really?! You?!" I ask shocked " Err, yes I am, how old do you think I am?" He questions me. " Probably 20?" I say still shocked from before. "Oh I wish Aria, but no I'm 28. "28?! Damn the older men are always good looking and taken! I state with a playful sigh. "Hey, don't let me take you down. In my opinion you are very pretty. I'm sure loads of guys your age will like you." He says making a left. "Yeah- If only you knew." I state sadly.

We reached the apartment after a while of normal conversation. 

Ryle parks the car in a private area where more guards and cars are. I get out of the Range Rover and slam the very clean and shiny door shut. I could literally see myself. I was looking nice in my all black outfit which I accessorized with a nice handbag and silver watch.

As I was walking besides Ryle a guard, or I think, came up to us and starting saying the most disgusting thing about me in Italian

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As I was walking besides Ryle a guard, or I think, came up to us and starting saying the most disgusting thing about me in Italian. "Guarda che bel culo, potrei portarla qui." He says with a smirk plastered across his ugly face. Me being me couldn't ignore him so I say with a sour but bossy tone "Sai, se fai una foto dura di piu." Saying this Ryle laughs hard. I smile and  look at the other guards with death stares. " I dare anybody to talk like that about me again and believe me I won't be nice.( T: Look at that fine ass, I could take her right here. You know, if you take a picture it lasts longer)

Continuing with my walk the same bloody guard slaps my ass. I feel rage. I was turning so red that the other guards were saying he shouldn't have done that. He scoffs so, my kind self wants to translate what I said in a more, understandable way. "Fottuto stronzo". I say with gritted teeth. " Non hai capito cosa ho detto?" He laughs. That's it. Oh and one thing with me, I can be the politest person on this planet but when you cross the line your done. I smile widely and bring my knee to his dick. He groans loudly. My smile becomes even bigger. " So anyone want to experiment with my limit? If you do make sure to be ready for what will happen next." I say in a powerful voice.(T: You fucking asshole. Did you not understand what I said?)

Leaving the man on the floor, I leave and see that all the others are gob- smacked. Ryle then proceeds to say " I knew you were special." I then answer back with " Well Alex taught me only the best" I state with a shrug.

AC: Hello my lovelies, if you are reading this right now! You are amazing! No seriously thank you so much for still staying with me. It truly means a lot seeing that u enjoy my book. Another small favour, if u super, dooper like this book plz could you vote? It would mean the world to me.

Question of the day! Favourite genre of movies/book. Mine is romance but I do like a good action. Btw if u ever want to talk about anything, plz consider texting me in priv. xx

Love u guys!!! 

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