Bullies (old)

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Ayato POV


As a long silver hair walked closer to the bullies i heard some students discussing something,

 —"Hey isn't that Megami Siakou? i thought for sure she'd be here next month!"

"idk, why you asking me. Go ask her if your so curious" The conversation was cut short between those two when Megami finally spoked in a opposing and intimidating tone.

"Hey, dont you know bulling is aginst the rules? Go back to class" 

"HAH! who are you to tell me what to do! just mind your own business and don't interferer" A girl with wavy blonde hair with pink strips that are in a half-ponytail said in a intimidating tone while stepping closer to Megami. 

From what i heard she is Musume Ronshaku, the leader of these bullies and a daughter of rich parents. Her parents own a loan company, shes spoiled and likes to gossip, and has zero empathy for people below her.

As i finish listening the conversation of other people to gather more information i went to go quickly help the person who was being bullied, i had to be very quick and quiet since they're in the middle of the bullies. But before that i took Osano's jacket to cover myslef and fled quickly before he could notice

"uh- HEY theres a guy taking our target!" A girl with blond hair wearing a high ponytail with bright pink bangs that curl on the sides of her said to her friends who were a while ago busy arguing with Maganmi but then all collectively turned to me, if i was your average student i'd probably be scared. But im not

I tried to run away and take the person who was being bullied but a girl with purple hair whoes name is Kashiko Murasaki grabbed the hand of the person who i was holding. Before they could talk Meganmi intervened and took off the bullies hand from the target and go into another argument. The other bullies where watching me so i couldn't run away.

 i knew i shouldn't stay long since they or Osano and Ribaru might find out who and  i was so i crouched a little bit and whispered to the guy that had messy dark navy blue hair with a fridge hanging down in the middle of his face and has dark eye bags.

"Run" I wisped softly to him, like how a lover would in the midnight since he might be scared if i show him a blunt voice with my scary face. His ears when full on bright red but he quickly ran away and disappeared from the crowed

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO! UGH" judging from her voice she probably Hana Daidaiyama who had dark pink and yellow, she pretends to be innocent and pure but is very vulger and is free-spirited making her lose her temper easily, she just doesn't show it. But i guess she was in too much stress arguing with Meganmi

"Y-YOU BITCH" Hoshiko Mizudori, the one that had dirty blonde ponytail that fades into turquoise in the near ends grabbed my hand, info-chan said she was a sadistic person and enjoyed harming others both physically and mentally.

She tried to take my jaket off but was stoped by Osano, Osano was not very stong so she mange to break free but another student council member arrived, Aoi Ryugoku, the one with a eye patch and in charge of  enforcing rules and peace. Hoshiko Mizudori finally let go of my hand too.

Class was almost starting so most students running or already in class, before i went to class the student concil told the bullies to apologize to me and their target. They also told me to not interfere next time since i could get hurt


"Hey are you okay Ayato?" Osano said in a worride tone, very conflicting with his tsundere persona. I just noded but Osano kept nagging me

"Ah, your jacket" I gave Osano his jacket in which i stole last hour ago. Osano blush and quickly gave it back to me coupled with a Ribaru giving 2 thumbs up to Osano

"I-ITS OKAY! Y0-YOU CAN BORROW IT" Osano said loudly but not too loud while stuttering a bit. I just nodded 

As i walked into the classroom that was quite noisy i turned to look at my back to see Osano still blushing and muttering incoherent words while Ribaru was comforting him. 

I walked to my desk and waited for the teacher to come while ignoring everything and everyone like i was in my own world...





Its a bit late but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2.5K READS! 

My schedule is a bit hectic since i have birthday party of mine (its late since my fam was busy) and church on sunday and more test in the weeks! hahah.. ugh

I think this chapter is quite boring but Ayato is starting to open up a bit so yeah! Most of the chapter is about the bullies introduction and stuff but yeh.

Edit: i just realized i put the goal at the starttt ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ) it was not my intention since thats just a rough idea but sorry if it spoiled you a bittt. (i already erased it so dont worry)

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