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Far in a secluded corner of the Phantomive manor Sebastian was trying to wake up his younger daughter (Y/N) and that was not an easy task especially since this stage of a demon's life truly is the only one where they need to sleep. Gently pushing her back to coax her awake he was only greeted with annoyed huffs and groans "Come on now (Y/N) you have to get up." She huffed and pulled her blanket closer to her body and rolled away from her father "Don' wanna." Sebastian let out a soft laugh he knew exactly how to get her out of bed "But (Y/N) if you don't get up who'll help me around the manor today?" That immediately caused the young girl's eyes to shout open she jumped out of bed and ran to her closet and grabbed a dark blue dress with white ruffles on the sleeves this was her favorite dress due to the fact that it was it was kind of similar to Mey-Rin's uniform and (Y/N) loved to feel like she was part of the staff. After quickly getting changed and having her father tie her hair into two small pig tails she dragged her father towards the kitchen to prepare the young master Morning tea. Once more Sebastian smiled at her enthusiasm finding her enjoyment in such mundane activities adorable. After eating a few small pancakes for breakfast she was off.

Ciel slept soundly until he felt a small thump on his bed at this point he knew that it meant (Y/N) is waking up she tried her best to not wake him up by jumping on his bed but she was so short the only way she could reach him was by jumping. Groaning the second he opened his eyes bright red one were staring right back at him "Good morning young master." "Good morning (Y/N)." He yawned out to tired to match her enthusiasm. Sebastian picked his child of the bed and placed her on the ground "Excellent work sweetheart now go make sure that the rest of the staff are awake." (Y/N) nodded her head rushing of to do her next task as an unofficial member of the Phantomive staff. Running towards the staff's quarters she slid and tripped once she got to the door giving her self a mental not to work on the endings of her slides. Picking herself up (Y/N) opened the door to Mey-Rin's first. Quietly opening the door she sneaked through the room before climbing on top of Mey-Rin's bed trying to move slowly as not to disturb her then jumping right on top of her to wake her up "Morning Mey-Rin." Mey-Rin nearly screamed but calmed down immediately after seeing it was just (Y/N) "Morning (Y/N)." she stretched her arms out as (Y/N) slid down the bed and into the boy's room first she gently woke up Tanaka and then she smiled deviously she was going to wake up Finny . Waking up Finny did not go as plan for some reason Finny panicked at the sight (Y/N), picked her a and threw all while screaming the commotion wake up Bard and had Mey-Rin looking in threw the door. (Y/N) got up like it wasn't an issue "I'm okay!" Bard was the first to panic if Sebastian found out what Finny did to her their all doomed Finny understood this as well and was begging (Y/N) not to tell the young demon just laughed at their pleas for mercy.

A little while later (Y/N) was with her father as he placed down ingredients for tonight's dinner she was on the floor reading the school book Sebastian got her every now and again he would ask here a question that was in the book and she would answer. (Y/N) looked around a bit noticing the silence "Papa is it just me or are the other servants being quit today." Sebastian shook his head in annoyance in this manor quiet meant not working "You're right dear let's go make sure everyone gets everything done today." He picked her up and walked toward his master he had a feeling they would all be there. Bursting threw the door Sebastian started yelling at all of them "Have you finished weeding the court yard Finny? Mey-Rin have you washed all the bedding? Baldroy shouldn't you be preparing for tonight's dinner? Tanaka...well I suppose your alright as you are. Now all of you we have no time for thumb twiddling this morning so get to work work!" All of the servants ran out Mey-Rin even letting an out a yes sir to show that she knew he meant business. Sebastian once again shook his head in annoyance and looked down at his daughter smiling at him in his arms "You know (Y/N) your the only other competent person in this household." she smiled at him before asking to be put down she held his hand as he walked with him threw the halls "Are you ready to help me dear?"  (Y/N) was happy, she loved helping her father.

Her task was to polish the silver and she did making sure that she could see her reflection making sure that not even a spot was smudged as her father cleaned and straightened out the table cloth after that was done he was cutting roses and removing the thorns as (Y/N)arranged them in vases to be placed on the table. Once this task was done Sebastian could finally start cooking (Y/N) couldn't really help during this part so Sebastian just placed her on a counter so she could watch. As he was cutting the vegetables the belle rang meaning he had to leave. (Y/N) just sat in the chair swinging her legs waiting for him to come back when suddenly the door swung open her face lit up thinking it was her father but nope it's just Bard. "Bard what are you doing here?" She tilted her head in confusion despite being the chef her father did most of the cooking Bardroy laughed at the girls question "Obviously I'm here to help." "Oh okie dokie." (Y/N), unfortunately did not question this and it was gonna cost her. Later her father saw the mess they made and she was practically sobbing "I-I-I'm so-ry! I didn't think he would mess up this badly!" Sebastian picked her up and started stroking her head to try and calm her down "Shhh it's okay I'm not mad at you it's them I'm upset with." He angrily glared at the servants who in his mind are partially responsible for his daughter's tears. "Go play for the rest of the day you've earned it. I'll tell you how the dinner goes okay." (Y/N) rubbed her eyes as he put her down "Okay..." the thought of being with all of her toys in her room made her feel a little better.

Hours later (Y/N) getting tucked into bed "So you pulled the table cloth of the table before he saw anything." Her eyes glimmered as her father told her how he saved diner after Mey-Rin spilled wine on it her dad was so cool. Finally laying down she started to close her eyes and drift of to sleep "I love you papa." She whispered finally truly asleep Sebastian smiled and kissed her forehead "I love you too."

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