3: Catching Pokemon

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Ezekiel is sleeping peacefully with Froakie on his chest with Isaac watching this and reminiscing when he used to do this.

"Hey kiddo, get up." Isaac says shaking him awake as Ezekiel and Froakie yawn at the same time. "Get yourself ready, I gonna teach you how to catch a Pokemon, no doubt you've been told but nothing is better than practice."

Ezekiel nods getting up and stretches out with Froakie looking up at him curiously. Ezekiel sighs cracking his back and taps his shoulder signaling Froakie to hop on his shoulder which he does.

Isaac finds kinda cute and walks with Ezekiel through the forest.

"So you know that you need to damage a Pokemon before you can catch it right?" Isaac asks earning a nod. "Good now what were some mistakes you made with the zigzagoon?"

"Uh well... My hesitation mostly." Ezekiel replies.

"Makes sense, when it comes to battling and especially against fellow trainers? You need to have a plan in mind regarding what your Pokemon is gonna do but you also need to keep in mind the typing. Froakie here is a fast water attacker so utilize his speed and you'll catch on." Isaac says suddenly put out his arm stopping Zeke in his tracks.

Ezekiel questions what's wrong as Isaac points straight ahead as he sees a bird like pokemon flying around.

"That there is a fletchling, a flying/normal type but becomes a flying/fire type when it evolves, a good companion to have." Isaac says motioning Ezekiel to send out Froakie.

"Ready to go Froakie?" Ezekiel asks as Froakie nods and hops on his shoulder as the fletchling takes notice and stands before Froakie.

Ezekiel examines the environment seeing a variety of trees and gets an idea. The fletchling flies towards Froakie which works with Zeke's plan.

"Froakie dodge and hop onto the trees!" Zeke orders as Froakie leaps up avoiding fletchling's peck as Froakie lands on a tree branch. "Froakie jump from branch to branch!"

Froakie does so avoiding the fletchling's attacks till it's peck hits a tree and tries continuing but finds that it's beak is stuck.

"Froakie slam into the fletchling!" Zeke says having his plan come to fruition.

Froakie smiles as he slams into fletchling as they both collide into a tree branch. The fletchling retaliates with a peck sending Froakie back but catches itself.

Isaac smiles somewhat impressed by this. The fletchling is fuming with anger as it flies into the air and is swerving quickly. Froakie keeps his eyes on it as does Zeke and Isaac.

"Come on..." Zeke mutters to himself as the fletchling divebombs towards Froakie. "Froakie jump then pound him onto the ground!" Zeke orders swiping his hand to the left.

Froakie hops up avoiding fletchling's attack as the fletchling looks up realizing what's about to happen. Froakie stomps down onto fletchling right into the ground causing a small dirt.

Froakie hops away as the dirt cloud clears seeing the fletchling struggling to stand.

"Catch it now!" Isaac orders as Zeke fumbles around with a PokeBall but chucks it at the fletchling connecting with it's head as it's absorbed into the PokeBall and sits on the ground and moves around a bit.

Zeke looks on in nervousness while Froakie stands ready to fight if needed. The PokeBall containing Fletchling stops moving as Zeke has realization come over.

"I just caught my first Pokemon... Holy **** I caught my first Pokemon!" Zeke exclaims in a rare instance of excitement surprising Isaac.

"Language young man!" Isaac says barely containing his laughter.

Pokemon X & Y: Rivalsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें