Alistair looked at Yang who is with Ruby already near the exit door of the Amphitheater

Alistair: Aight! Wait up!!

Al then ran towards the 2 and they walked towards the ballroom

Yang: By the way. Why didn't you bring any bags with you?

Alistair: I only have this as my clothing. And I didn't wanna take Tai's old clothes. Doesn't suit me.

Ruby: But what are you gonna wear to sleep then?

Alisha: I got my ways.

Time skip

Alistair walked out of the locker room shirtless only wearing a bat themed pajama pants while carry a black blanket with Bat designs. Al headed towards the ballroom. Once he enters he started surveying the entire area. Al didnt notice that all the other students were looking at him the girls for his muscles and the boys at his tattoos. Al then saw Jaune and walked towards him. He then put on his blacket as a makeshift cape/cloak, once he covered his body he heard many sounds of disappointed girls.
Alistair walked passed to a bunch of guys showing off to some of the girls. He then sat besides Jaune and talked to him

Alistair: Hey, what are you doing?

Jaune: Huh? Oh Alistair, it's just you.

Alistair: Yes, it's just me. So what are you doing?

Jaune: Oh you know, just guy stuff, like checking out the girls. That girl specifically.

Jaune said pointing at a familiar white haired girl

Jaune: She's really cute. Don't you think so too?

Alistair: Weiss? Yeah, I guess she is pretty cute.

Jaune: You know her?

Alistair: No, but I met her earlier. We didn't talk that much.

Jaune: I see. So anyway, what have you been doing dude?

Alistair: Nothing really.

Jaune: Got nothing to do?

Alistair: Yeah.

The 2 then just started talking about where they came from and their family. Alistair used the fake story that Yang and Tai made up for him , if someone asked him where he came from. Jaune also told Alistair about his life and home before Beacon.
Alistair could tell the Jane is lying to him throughout the entire conversation

The 2 then heard the sound of girls arguing and they saw Weiss arguing with Ruby. The 2 just decided to ignore them and continued talking

After few minutes the 2 decided to hit the hay. Jaune slept on the floor and Alistair waited until everyone is all asleep. Once everyone is asleep. He started walking on the wall up, towards the ceiling. He then walked near the chandlier

(The chandelier)

Alistair: I'm pretty sure this can hold my weight.

He the walked onto the chandelier and just stood upside down on it, he then changed his feet to bat feet and grabbed onto the chandelier

Alistair then closed bis eyes and slept like a bat

Time skip-Morning

Al was sleeping peacefully on the chandelier until suddenly he heard someone hell


Al opened his eyes due to the loud scream. He then looked below him and saw many of the students were awoken by the loud yelling. He then started hearing them whispering to one another about how did he get up there or how did he manage to sleep there without the chandelier collapsing

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