Recommendation page

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A page for recommendations and what not for any stories you'd like to see me eventually write.

Fandoms I'm in (aka what I can try to write for if my insatiable urge to be canon and not OOC don't get in the way):
Dialtown, Obey me (shall we date), genshin, stardew valley, and Omori

Fandoms I can write for (aka fandoms I'm proudly cringe in and don't care if it's OOC bc my delusions are too strong or I literally just do not care in general):
Danganronpa, Homestuck, creepypasta (theyre literally deranged i dont think canom exist), and Tbhk

Feel free to recommend dark subject matter. I love testing my writing limits and how much I can portray complex situations. Psychology is a soft spot of mine after all!

I like dark fiction as much as the next guy, but I straight up refuse to write certain suff. Morally ambiguous stuff is fine, but some stuff is completely off the table in a dumpster fire. If push comes to shove you can ask, but if it's in dead dove: do not eat territory I'm probably not gonna do it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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